The Weirdest Things You'll Find in the Ocean
The ocean is an incredibly massive place that covers over 70% of the world's surface. And although humans have only mapped and observed a mere 20% of it, we've still managed to discover some pretty mind-boggling things. From underwater ruins and museums to very unique (and downright creepy) sea creatures, let's dive in and explore some of the most wildly unusual and fascinating things that call the deep blue sea home.
MUSA, a large underwater museum that consists of 500 humanmade statues, sits not far off the coast of Cancun, Mexico. Curious travelers can explore the impressive feats via scuba dive trips or glass-bottom boat tours.
Pictured here, the hydrozoan jellyfish (part of the bougainvillia superciliaris family) measures a mere one centimeter in size.
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The submerged ancient Roman ruins of the sunken city, Baiae, rest off the shores of Naples, Italy. It's believed that the city was lost by the very same volcanos that destroyed Pompeii.
This venomous tropical fish has 18 poisonous spines that could potentially paralyze a human.
Finding sunken ships (like this one found in the Red Sea) is commonplace in the ocean. There are an estimated three million shipwrecks around the world, with the oldest wrecks dating back approximately 10,000 years.
It's believed that these fish can actually survive out of the water for an extended period of time, although you probably wouldn't want to run into one of them. They're known to be quite poisonous.
You've heard of an old car yard, but ships need a final resting place too. Over a dozen shipwrecked skeletons line the coast of Tangalooma, Australia.
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This bronze statue of Amphitrite, wife of Poseidon, can be found in the Caribbean Sea, off the coast of Grand Cayman Island. The 9-foot tall, 600-pound statue was erected in 2000.
This baby creature is part of the squid family but looks like a miniature version of the legendary Kraken monster.
Although this looks to be a submerged high-rise apartment building, it's actually an artificial reef built off the coast of France. Its purpose is to aid in ecological restoration as part of the Rexcor project.
Could you imagine this thing swimming right towards you? It's enough to send shivers down your spine. They typically lurk in the murky depths of the Atlantic, which makes you wonder what else is down there that we just don't know about yet.
These ugly creatures like to bury themselves under the sand, leaving just their eyes and fangs exposed, ready to attack any prey that passes by. Why the name? Their eyes are located on top of their head, so they're always looking up towards the stars (or their dinner.)
The 9-foot tall bronze statue was submerged underwater, off the coast of Key West, Florida, on August 25, 1965. It's the third sculpture cast from an original mold that created two other statues placed in the Mediterranean Sea (1954) and the Caribbean Sea (1961).
With so many nasty creatures lurking the seven seas, it's no wonder this barrier was constructed to create a shark-free sea pool in Sydney, Australia.
The very colorful mantis shrimp typically lives in shallow tropical waters, and they're known to be somewhat feisty little things.
The Weirdest Things You'll Find in the Ocean
The ocean is an incredibly massive place that covers over 70% of the world's surface. And although humans have only mapped and observed a mere 20% of it, we've still managed to discover some pretty mind-boggling things. From underwater ruins and museums to very unique (and downright creepy) sea creatures, let's dive in and explore some of the most wildly unusual and fascinating things that call the deep blue sea home.
Number 12 *actually* looks terrifying.
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