Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of September 12, 2022
Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of September 12, 2022. Discover your Weekly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.
Start the week off right by setting your most adventurous and romantic foot forward. You'll set the tone for the week to come. Through Wednesday, the focus is on flexibility in plans and in feelings, so try not to be too rigid in your thinking. Thursday's a good day to go hunting for inspiration. Why not check out some old family love letters or love poems online? Be light this weekend, with yourself and with your partner. It's not the time to make weighty decisions.
There's nothing wrong with taking things slow as the week begins. If you're starting a new romance, go easy. If you're in an established one, don't feel the need to be foolish and rush in. Wise men and women do wait, you know. This weekend, you can't help falling in love a little and people can't help falling in love with you either, but again, take it easy. You have all the time in the world now. Talk about your feelings on Sunday. You'll find it super easy to open up.
If your friends are all trying to tell you something, maybe you should listen. After all, they do have your best interests at heart. They only want what's right for you. Midweek, everyone seems to be gossiping. Resist the urge to participate. You'll feel so much better if you ignore the negativity. When it comes to work, you're all over the place and starting lots but finishing little. Your mind's already on the weekend, and the weekend could be full of romantic possibilities. You're in the mood for light and flirty. Nothing wrong with that.
Your memory is razor sharp, and that's a good thing, but don't let soured romantic relationships from the past impede those in the present and future. That said, remember where you failed to look last time and keep your eyes open now. Midweek's focus should be on the home, taking care of all the small domestic details. And by the way, you could have a fun weekend in store. Kick up your heels and have a virtual dance competition with your friends, or plan an online game night. Either way, you'll be going strong through Sunday with no signs of slowing down.
The week starts with a jolt. A long-held opinion may be about to change, and it could have nice ramifications for your love life. Stay open-minded throughout the week, and remember that nothing is ever as simple as it seems. Most of all, try to view your relationships, especially any romantic ones, as constantly evolving shades of gray. You'll have to put your heart on the back burner toward the end of the week and focus on work. You'll be the coolest kid around on Saturday and everyone will be competing for your time. You've got enough to go around.
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Something will become crystal clear to you early in the week, and it may help refocus your romantic priorities. Do some soul searching midweek and figure out what you really want, whether or not you already have it or what you'll have to do to get it. Someone might throw a wrench in your plans with a call for last-minute help. Saturday should be spent doing something you and a friend enjoy. Compromise if necessary. Sunday's all about watching your words. You don't want to hurt someone you care about because of some careless sentences.
You may be tempted to focus only on a romantic relationship (or a possible one) early in the week. The extra attention's okay, but don't let it come at the expense of your other duties. By Thursday, you'll be most interested in indulging in everything the sensory world has to offer. Enjoy yourself, but don't go overboard. You'll need to rein in the tendency toward excess by Saturday, but it'll be easy because by that time your brain will be the most curious part of your body. Spend time on Sunday talking about your ideas with someone who intrigues you (you know who that is). They'll be absolutely inspired.
Since Monday's a good day to start something, why not start by figuring out how you're going to kick your love life into a higher gear? Couples may want to renew their commitment to each other, while singletons might want to take a chance and contact a special someone. The rest of the week will pale in comparison to the awesome energy at the week's outset, but that doesn't mean you'll be bored. In fact, you could be so busy that you may collapse in exhaustion on Sunday. Enjoy the commotion.
At the beginning of the week, you're having fun and getting all of your work done with time to spare. Keep it up and you might be able to cut out early and start your weekend ahead of schedule. Nothing wrong with that, especially since you'll be on sensory overload midweek. It's not the best weekend to try to forge a deep romantic connection. It's just more about having fun and talking with anyone and everyone you can. You'll be energized by everyone you come in contact with, even if it's on the most superficial level. Remember, you don't always have to swim in the deep end.
Romance will be superseded by domestic issues that surface at the beginning of the week. Don't worry. Your home issues will be cleared by Wednesday and you'll safely slide back into contemplating your love life. The weekend will be all about doing something creative. There must be a virtual karaoke bar somewhere! Sunday, something will become perfectly clear to you, and you'll have an answer to a question you've been pondering for some time. Make time to talk over your newfound knowledge with your significant other or a close friend.
This week is all about patterns—past, present, and future. On Monday, something will surface in your love life that begins to set off a chain of events. Even if it's not immediately clear, there's a pattern at work. It will continue to reveal itself as the week goes on, and by Thursday you'll make a meaningful, albeit subtle, discovery about yourself (and maybe your partner or potential partner). Friday brings an old memory or story to the surface. Again, pay attention to the meaning. Sunday is ripe for honest and open communication of the very best kind. Everything's clear by the end of the weekend.
Early in the week, you'll be absorbed in a mysterious romantic realm of signs and symbols, shrouds and secrets. Don't worry. It's nothing ominous. It's just your romantic brain turning things upside down and dreamy. Have fun with the feelings, but don't ascribe too much meaning to them. Midweek, you'll be back to earth, and you'll find particular comfort in quiet, simple things. This weekend, don't tackle anything too heavy, romantically or otherwise. Don't get caught up in a big project or try to make a big decision. Just go with the flow and relax.
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