Your Weekly Horoscope Says a Lunar Eclipse Is About to Rock Your Entire World
Your horoscope for the week of September 15 to 21 is a momentous one, as the current astrology is pushing you toward a path you were destined to take. Pay attention to what is happening in your life, because it’s giving you a sneak peak of a future to come.
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The week begins with good vibes all around, as romantic Venus in Libra will form a trine with Jupiter in Gemini, bringing expansive, stimulating, and open-hearted energy to your love life and your social life. It’s a beautiful time to get out there and meet new people. In fact, some of these people may be here to stay for a long time, as eclipse season encourages fated encounters that change you over time.
Taking place on September 17 at 10:34 p.m. ET, a partial lunar eclipse and full moon will rise at 25 degrees of Pisces, starting a brand new chapter. Think back to what was going on in your life in late 2016 and early 2017—the last time we had an eclipse season in Pisces—as it will give you a clue as to what the future currently holds. Since this launches a brand new eclipse series on the Pisces-Virgo axis, you can expect to see yourself embarking on an exciting new journey. Where that journey will take you is still unknown.
You may run into obstacles by September 18, especially in communication. This is when brainiac Mercury will oppose karmic and inhibiting Saturn, bringing up old patterns and structures that may be holding you back. It’s a beautiful time to work your way around the problem, or even create a bridge across it. When the sun forms a trine with innovative Uranus on September 19, you’ll be able to come up with genius plans to solve the issue. It will even inspire you to go against the grain.
However, as the sun opposes dizzying and disorienting Neptune on September 20, you may feel like you’re taking in too much energy—more than you can handle. Neptune has a way of dissolving boundaries and encouraging openness, which can be difficult if you’re trying to protect your energy or stay focused. Keep one foot on the ground at all times, because once Mercury squares off with overly indulgent Jupiter, you may feel like throwing caution to the wind and biting off more than you can chew.
How the planets will affect your zodiac sign this week
Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):
This week, you’re finding your way.
The week begins on Sunday, September 15, with Mars in Cancer squaring the North Node and South Node. You reach an astrological crossroads about once a year. Today is a symbolic day. You could decide that you’re going to do something new, work on projects, or venture into the unknown in some way. Or you can do what you usually do. Aries, the question to ask yourself is what would your future self want you to do?
On Tuesday, September 17, there is a lunar eclipse in Pisces. Slow down a little today and you will hear the messages of the Universe. Make a note of the dream you had, the animal signs around you, or the words of the song stuck in your head, and you will find guidance and answers to your questions. Open your ears. Your guides are trying to get your attention. Read your full September monthly horoscope.
This week, you’re seeing the signs.
The week begins on Sunday, September 15, with Mars in Cancer squaring the North Node and South Node. Taurus, your future is built on the decisions you make every day. And one day could be the beginning of a trend. Today is that day. From where you stand, you can see the future stretched out in front of you, but you also see the past and what you’ve done before. Now you are choosing a path to follow.
On Tuesday, September 17, there is a lunar eclipse in Pisces. A friend is a mirror today. The things that you would tell this individual to change about their life are actually messages for yourself. Think about where you feel they are stuck and then look at your own feet. The answer will come to you. Read your full September monthly horoscope..
This week, you’re making a course correction.
The week begins on Sunday, September 15, with Mars in Cancer squaring the North Node and South Node. Gemini, you could be at a financial crossroads in your life now. You have the opportunity to make an important shift. When faced with a spending decision, you can choose something different from what you did before. This will signify breaking free of a pattern. Today, you can put yourself on the road to financial security.
On Tuesday, September 17, there is a lunar eclipse in Pisces. There might be some changes connected to your career. Your company could be undergoing a merger or trimming its ranks. You might be leaving your company to move on to something new. If you own a business, the numbers are telling you what you need to know. Read your full September monthly horoscope.
This week, you know what you want.
The week begins on Sunday, September 15, with Mars in Cancer squaring the North Node and South Node. Cancer, you have extra energy now to start new projects and explore activities that would make your heart sing. But you also have obligations at home and with family, and so you might feel pulled in two directions. Sometimes taking the untrodden path is the better choice.
On Tuesday, September 17, there is a lunar eclipse in Pisces. Your knowledge and wisdom are needed now. If you’re in school, you might be taking a test or presenting something to the class. You could be leading a meeting at work or giving a lecture at a convention. All eyes are on you, and there is pressure on you to know your material. Read your full September monthly horoscope.
This week, something new has benefits for you.
The week begins on Sunday, September 15, with Mars in Cancer squaring the North Node and South Node. It’s never too late to take action on a cherished goal. Today, you could get a little nudge from the Universe to move you forward on an art, music, or creative project. Leo, you might feel a guiding hand when it comes to a relationship or career decision. Look ahead and follow the path to where you want to go.
On Tuesday, September 17, there is a lunar eclipse in Pisces. A person who has offered you help could rescind the offer. This might not be the problem you think it is. They’re leaving an opening for a much better opportunity to come in. Today, don’t tie your hopes to a fleeting promise. Read your full September monthly horoscope.
This week, you’re tapping into the law of attraction.
The week begins on Sunday, September 15, with Mars in Cancer squaring the North Node and South Node. Now you’ve reached a financial crossroads that comes about once a year. Virgo, you have an opportunity to approach a transaction in the usual way or do something different. If you’re looking for financial freedom, you might want to forgo a purchase or at least buy something cheaper.
On Tuesday, September 17, there is a lunar eclipse in Pisces. A relationship could bring you happiness, but it’s easier to find happiness within. As you expand your own joy, it radiates from your heart outward and attracts great people to you. This could be the beginning of you being a love magnet. Read your full September monthly horoscope.
This week, one small change makes a difference.
The week begins on Sunday, September 15, with Mars in Cancer squaring the North Node and South Node. Libra, you could be challenged to step into a new role or be a leader. If you’ve been holding back, now is the time to step forward even if you’re uncertain whether you can accomplish the goal. Others see you as more capable than you see yourself. Today is a good day to believe in what you can accomplish.
On Tuesday, September 17, there is a lunar eclipse in Pisces. A daily change could make a huge impact on your life in a year. And it’s likely you know what kind of change you should make. It might mean less sugar or salt. It could mean drinking less coffee or switching to green tea. It might mean daily exercise starting today. One small change could make a big difference. Read your full September monthly horoscope.
This week, you gain what you need to know.
The week begins on Sunday, September 15, with Mars in Cancer squaring the North Node and South Node. You might have new knowledge or information today. And now the question concerns what you want to do with it. This could represent going in a new direction when it comes to your daily life or even health. But you also could ignore this information and continue doing what you have been doing. Today, you’re making a choice.
On Tuesday, September 17, there is a lunar eclipse in Pisces. Scorpio, you might feel a great need to express yourself now. It’s possible that your job doesn’t allow you to offer your opinion or do anything creative. This might be when you want the world to notice what you can do, who you are, or what you stand for. Read your full September monthly horoscope.
This week, you find new energy stimulating.
The week begins on Sunday, September 15, with Mars in Cancer squaring the North Node and South Node. Sagittarius, sometimes any action is better than standing still. Today, you are faced with choices and you might not know the best way to go. Each option has positives and negatives. But once you choose, you will have more information, and if you need to make a different choice, that will be possible too. Today, it’s best to take action.
On Tuesday, September 17, there is a lunar eclipse in Pisces. Today, you could be counting your blessings. You might realize how many benefits you have in your life and the many moments of joy. You might be grateful for family, your home, and the resources you’ve been given. This thinking activates the law of attraction. Read your full September monthly horoscope.
This week, you are wisely setting your sights high.
The week begins on Sunday, September 15, with Mars in Cancer squaring the North Node and South Node. Capricorn, you and your partner or a close friend could be at odds about something. This conversation might start with the two of you being as far apart as two people can be. But there is a middle ground here if you’re willing to compromise in some areas. Today, you could have a meeting of the minds.
On Tuesday, September 17, there is a lunar eclipse in Pisces. It might be difficult to get from point A to point B. Weather-related incidents, construction, or lots of traffic could be in your way. If you have an important appointment, you might want to give yourself extra time to get there. Read your full September monthly horoscope.
This week, a shift of a core principle brings benefits.
The week begins on Sunday, September 15, with Mars in Cancer squaring the North Node and South Node. You might be working out the logistics of trying a new path. Aquarius, you might think about what it would take to go back to school, move, or change careers. You are exploring your options now.
On Tuesday, September 17, there is a lunar eclipse in Pisces. What you’re expecting could be delayed. You might have to make a phone call or double-check a delivery date. It is likely you can solve this problem, but it will take some action on your part to make sure that you’re paid what you’re owed. Read your full September monthly horoscope.
This week, you gain something of value.
The week begins on Sunday, September 15, with Mars in Cancer squaring the North Node and South Node. Pisces, a financial opportunity is close at hand. It requires some energy, courage, and focus, all of which you have now. Today, you have a chance to move forward on something that could bring you a lot of value.
On Tuesday, September 17, there is a lunar eclipse in Pisces. When there’s a lunar eclipse in your own sign, you are challenged to make a big change in your life. Sometimes this change is imposed on you through circumstances, but it’s always easier to volunteer to make a change. Today, what could you change in your life to make things better? Read your full September monthly horoscope.
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