Weekly horoscope: 2 astrologers' predictions for August 7 - August 13, 2023
Read your weekly horoscope from expert astrologers Sally Trotman and Penny Thornton, and discover what's in store for the week ahead...
Astrology is no doubt a fascinating subject - in fact, it's one of the most interesting hobbies for women. If you're keen to look into the topic more - woman&home has a handy Moon calendar 2023, a deep dive into all of the astrology in 2023, our monthly tarotscope, and lots of astrology content to pique your interest.
While your 2023 horoscope provides a look at this year's events, you can also look into your work and money horoscope 2023 and your love horoscope 2023 examines matters of the heart.
However, if you're eager to look at what's right in front of you, our weekly horoscopes will help provide a guide for your next seven days. Our resident world-class psychic astrologers forecast for every star sign on love, family, career, and more. So check back weekly for our free forecast!
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Weekly horoscope, August 7 - August 13, 2023
Aries Weekly Horoscope
Aries are born between March 21—April 19. Aries is the first fire sign in the zodiac, with the symbol of an Aries being a ram. Aries are typically passionate, confident, and motivated.
"With the North Node in your sign for the next 18 months, your passion for life and drive to get things done will only increase. Enjoy this positive, motivating energy!"
"It may be tempting, but hold that thought. What looks so irresistible could have a hidden sting. On this occasion, the familiar and the predictable are the way to go."
Taurus Weekly Horoscope
Taurus' are born between April 20-May 20. Taurus is an earth sign, with the symbol of a Taurus being a bull. Taurians are typically hardworking, intelligent, and dedicated.
"Take it easy now. It has been a busy time for you recently, so let yourself relax. Rejuvenate by spending time in nature and practice being more in the present."
"Not everything is going to run like clockwork, so leave a little wiggle room with timing and content. A meeting with someone new could be the start of something magical."
Gemini Weekly Horoscope
Geminis are born between May 21-June 21. Gemini is an air sign, with the symbol of a Gemini being twins. Geminis are typically easy-going, enthusiastic and sociable—but are said to have two sides to their personality.
"Are you looking for a new venture? The moon in your sign on August 11 brings you different ideas, and perhaps connections too, helping you to gain a fresh perspective."
"Obey your instincts, but only if love and kindness are your motives. Other people may not realise they have stepped on your toes. Least said, soonest mended, as they say."
Cancer Weekly Horoscope
Cancers are born between June 21-July 22. Cancer is a water sign, with the symbol of a Cancer being a crab. Cancers are typically loyal, caring, and very protective over loved ones.
"Positive change is on the horizon for you. Focus on building your strength, both physically and mentally. Perhaps you have outgrown a certain situation. If so, move on with grace."
"Only you can decide whether to take a leap of faith or leave it for another day. These influences do inspire risks, but also rewards. It is a tricky one."
Leo Weekly Horoscope
Leos are born between July 23-August 22. Leo is a fire sign, with the symbol of a Leo being a Lion. Leos are typically confident, comfortable being the center of attention, and big-hearted.
"The full moon in your sign brings the opportunity to feel what’s really going on for you right now. Tune into yourself and know your feelings are your best guide."
"The thunderbolt of love could strike or a relationship go up in smoke. When Uranus is in the mix you get the unexpected. How you feel about it rather depends…"
Virgo Weekly Horoscope
Virgos are born between August 23-September 22. Virgo is an earth sign, with the symbol of a Virgo being a 'maiden'. Virgos are typically hardworking, reliable, and stubborn.
"Mercury, the planet of communication, and Mars, the planet of action, are now both in your sign. Be assertive in your communication and stand up for what you believe in."
"Unless you have proof a situation is over, keep the flame alive. Some things need time to come together and to give it the last rites now would be premature."
Libra Weekly Horoscope
Libras are born between September 23-October 22. Libra is an air sign, with the symbol of a Libra being scales. Libras are typically diplomatic, fair, and very sociable.
"As an air sign, you spend time thinking and weighing up the available options. To gain clarity retreat into nature for a while, and know that you will find answers."
"Making a snap judgment this week could prove costly for you. Make sure you do your sums before parting with cash. Likewise, look into someone’s history before committing your heart."
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
Scorpios are born between October 23-November 21. Scorpio is a water sign, with the symbol of a Scorpio being a scorpion. Scorpios are typically brave, determined, and ambitious.
"Is love on your mind? The focus is on your closest relationships. It’s time to make your true feelings known to improve a current relationship or to begin something new."
"Some things were just made not to last. Maybe you can fix a broken item, but there’s a big difference between a chip and a deep fracture. It’s your choice."
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
Sagittarius' are born between November 22-December 21. Sagittarius is a fire sign, with the symbol of a Sagittarius being a bow and arrow. Sagittarius' are typically optimistic, fun-loving, and intellectual.
"You are generally optimistic by nature, but recently you've found it hard to maintain your good vibes. Hang out with friends who lift your energy and make fun your priority."
"There is no guarantee you’ll like something you’ve never done before, but there is a guarantee that you’ll regret not trying. No need to risk life and limb, of course."
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
Capricorns are born between December 22-January 19. Capricorn is an earth sign, with the symbol of a Capricorn being a sea-goat. Capricorns are typically very hard-working, persistent, and sensitive.
"Take charge of a situation that’s been troubling you for some time. You have the power to create change, so think about the outcome you desire and trust this will manifest."
"There could be some last-minute changes or you may receive a surprise message. Either way, do your best to adapt to the new scenario without reaching for the emergency button!"
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
Aquarius' are born between January 20-February 18. Aquarius is an air sign, with the symbol of Aquarius being a water-bearer. Aquarians are typically assertive, analytical, and independent.
"What are your highest priorities? As an air sign it’s easy to become scattered. The full moon in your opposite sign this month helps you to get organized and motivated."
"If a situation is already at breaking point, these influences will help it along very nicely. However, if you want to keep something together, then swallow your pride and indignation."
Pisces Weekly Horoscope
Pisces' are born between February 19-March 20. Pisces is a water sign, with the symbol of Pisces being two fish. Pisces men and women are typically empathetic, romantic, and imaginative.
"Health is wealth, so put a little more focus on looking after yourself. Start a new exercise regime or refine your diet to increase your energy levels and mental wellbeing."
"Go with the flow. You’ll have a better time and achieve more by loosening the agenda and the rules. You can create many great dishes with the exact same ingredients."
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