Weekly Astrological Forecast, May 1-7: Trust Life
This article originally appeared on Yoga Journal
Star light star bright,
First star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have this wish I wish tonight.
And may all my dreams start to take flight. May starts with Venus--the planet of luminous love, the brightest planet in the sky-- lining up with Jupiter--the planet of miracles, blessings, and wisdom. This alignment leads us to stand fully in the light. Faith, trust, and a little gold dust are the month's theme as we go merrily on our way, remembering life is but a dream.
May brings us an opportunity of completion. Our spiritual growth is accelerated and peace can touch our hearts. The effects of last week's new moon in Taurus and the partial solar eclipse can still be felt, calling peace to all areas of our lives.
Eclipses bring about a need for completion, awakening us to what we would otherwise want to ignore or avoid. Our unique journey is formed by our extraordinary transformation. As this happens, we are gifted with a life-changing knowing that lets us be refilled with intention and higher purpose, magnifying our courage as we go forward with grace.
Venus and Jupiter conjunct
With Venus and Jupiter conjunct, this week's energies bring us an offering to wipe our slates clean. We have the chance to start from a steady, unshakeable place within as we follow the path of right action. We have the potential to find structure in our life as well as the values and boundaries we need to implement before our goals can come into reality. We also have the potential to settle into faith that our hard work is worth it, sustaining us when the going gets tough.
Venus, the planet that shines so bright it can be confused with a star, teaches us balance, grace, appreciation of beauty, love, stillness, humility, and strength. Venus encourages us to leave people better than we found them. She provides us with the ability to ground our energy as we open further to the sense of belonging. We all crave acceptance, to be validated, and to be loved. See with compassion that each of us has a story, a history, stored inside us. Remind yourself to take nothing personal. Relationships help us reveal what we need to heal and what we need to share.
Under the influence of Venus, we find the heart is ready, the fingers just have to let go. Unexpressed or unacknowledged grief can cause emotions to stir and the physical heart to feel heavy. It leaves our neck and shoulders tight and clenching in our jaws. Cry, dance, laugh, scream, journal, and allow tenderness to be felt and expressed. Emotions are energy in motion. When we can shift the energy, we become free and the heart can once again find its natural state of being open and able to be shared. The heart is a muscle, and the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.
Jupiter expands and increases abundance in our lives, reminding us to have more trust in life. Jupiter encourages an atmosphere free of worry by amplifying our faith, which can be found deep within the confines of fear and the memories of hard times. We can once again see things with perspective and compassion.
Jupiter enhances our innate wisdom, pushing us past our limiting beliefs. Jupiter, known to be the great teacher and visionary, encourages us to think outside the box and know we are worthy of our calling. It gives us the focused energy of commitment and emotionally aligning our willful action to take steps towards our dreams. What you dream about you bring about. What is it that you really want to come true? What is the one thing standing in your way? Take that in, listen to and acknowledge your truth. Simply knowing frees up some space to create more joy and freedom.
Early eclipse vibes
Our first full lunar eclipse of the year takes place with a powerful Scorpio full moon on May 15th. In the days prior, we may feel like we're sitting in the waiting room, becoming anxious about time, focusing on how long we've been waiting to be seen, felt, and heard. Give yourself grace.
How to navigate your astrology forecast this week
Let yourself be who you were called to be. Let that be a gift to others by bringing a little light to each moment. We meet no one by just chance. Synchronicity is everywhere. We just have to be willing to open to it. Every day is a gift. Let it be.
Release the need to control and figure it out, embrace the experience, and enjoy it. Let the fire in your soul burn for all the good things to come. Place some intention towards leaving some space for new experiences, new people, and new ideas to come through.
Pay it forward, be the miracle in someone's day. Practice a small act of kindness this week. Encourage love to lead you. The simple things are the best things. Send someone a card in the mail, let them know you are thinking of them. Love is our most precious shared resource, expand it and let it in. If not now, when?
Affirmation: Rooted in grace, led by light, only peace is in my sight.
About our contributor
Tara Martell is a believer, spiritual mentor, energy medicine woman, intuitive, visionary, life coach, writer, master teacher, mom, yoga teacher, and yoga teacher-trainer. She has mentored numerous yoga students and teachers, co-wrote a yoga teacher training manual, and led international yoga retreats. She has spent the last two decades seeking, finding, and healing herself through yoga, spiritual work, and self-study. Follow her on Instagram @tt_1love.
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