Watching the emotional moments these teens learn that they got into college will make you cry

Acceptance letters for the class of 2022 are starting to roll in, which means another round of reaction videos from the college-kids-to-be.

This week, a video of Ayrton Little, 16, receiving the news of his acceptance to Harvard went viral, getting nearly half a million views. His older brother, meanwhile, got into Stanford University and celebrated in a similar manner.

But they’re not the only ones. From happy to hilarious, these kids and their loved ones prove that there’s no feeling in the world like getting into college.

Warning: Lots of happy tears and screaming ahead.

Like Little, Derek Huell will be attending Harvard next fall.

As will Jillian Elise Graver.

And Jennifer Near too.

Davyn Sudirdjo, who’s from Jakarta, Indonesia, will be heading to Stanford.

He’ll be joined by Amielle Miaa.

Dewellyn Howard had lots of family and friends on hand when he got the news of his acceptance to Wesleyan University — and learned that he was going to get a full ride as well.

Jackson will also be going to Wesleyan, and her reaction is priceless.

While Anna was accepted to her dream school and couldn’t be happier about her achievement, it’s still up in the air as to whether she’ll actually be able to go.

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