Watch: What Are You Willing To Sacrifice To Score the Wave of Your Life?
When crazy swells hit places like Skeleton Bay, professional surfers often dominate the day.
But not always.
Sometimes, a little-known, blue-collar tube addict comes out of nowhere and scores the wave of the swell, leaving everyone wondering: "Who the hell was that?"
Nick Blottnitz is who.
South African born but residing in Bali, Blottnitz never lets Skeleton Bay out of his mind. No matter that he doesn't have a major sponsor to pay his way from Indo, or a filmer to join.
"I'm always looking at that wave," Blottnitz tells us. "As much as I love getting barreled in Indo, Namibia is on a whole 'nother level. Two days before that last swell I pulled the trigger, and at that point, everyone I was speaking to about going with me bailed, so I went alone. Got my own car, stayed by myself...and yeah, it was pumping for 4 days and not many international pros around. It was really sick to reconnect with my old friends from Cape Town. I lived off lemon ginger tea and granola and peanut butter for 4 straight days [laughs].
In the edit above, from the crew at Drifter Surf, Blottnitz's gamble pays off in spades.
After a run of waves like that, surely he's left satisfied, right?
"I actually jumped a plane straight back to Indo so I could score a swell at Desert Point," Blottnitz laughs.
Like we said, tube addict.
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