Watch Big Wave Surfer Kai Lenny Go Fishing on a Hydrofoil in Fiji

Maui waterman Kai Lenny has another skill to add to his lengthy resume.

Lenny, whose middle name literally is Waterman, surfs huge waves, stand-up paddles, tow surfs behind horses, rescues puppies while foiling, and even finds time to be a hometown hero.

He just revealed another talent he can add to his list of ocean skills.

According to Lenny's recent Instagram trail, he's been staying on Fiji's Namotu Island. It's about a mile and a half from Tavarua Island, whose reef is home to the notorious barrelling lefthander, Cloudbreak.

Lenny's latest vlog, which he posted today, was filmed during his stay on Namotu. He captioned the video above:

"After a long surfing day in Namotu, Fiji, Caleb and I decided to do some experimenting.

"We rigged up the E-Foils and a hand line to attempt fishing for our dinner. The goal was a Spanish Mackerel!

"We gave our catch to our Fijian Friends since it was their favorite fish to make a stew out of!"

The footage shows Lenny and Aussie foiler Caleb Pont embarking on a foiling fishing adventure. Of course, Lenny doesn't even fish like a normal person with a fishing pole.

He goes handlining.

Lenny's psyching as they're getting ready to go:

"We're on a mission to get a fish on that, that hook right there," Lenny says, pointing at a weigh station.

"We want it to weigh at least 60 kilos. Namotu Island Bluewater game and sport fishing, we're about to join the club!"

Press play above to find out if their fish hit 60 kilos.


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