Your Virgo Monthly Horoscope for September
Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:
September 4: Venus enters Virgo
September 9: Mercury Retrograde begins in Libra
September 10: Full Moon in Pisces
September 22: Sun enters Libra/Fall Equinox
September 22: Sun in Libra conjunct Mercury in Libra
September 23: Mercury Retrograde enters Virgo
September 25: New Moon in Libra
September 29: Venus enters Libra
Happy birthday, Virgo! Your month starts out with a birthday gift sent directly from the stars above! One of the sweetest cosmic blessings arrives as Venus, the planet of love, enters your sign on September 4. Bring on the good news! When Venus moves through your sign, your manifestation power receives a boost. Your allure and charm is off the charts. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want–there are others out there who are dying to connect with you. Your skills, intellect, and strengths are being noticed. This is a heightened time for romance and attraction, but it’s far more valuable and useful for you to reconnect with yourself. What does your relationship with self-love look like?
Mercury Retrograde begins in Libra on September 9 and you’re reacquainting yourself with your budget and values. If you’ve been making big purchases, you may be rethinking some of them. If you’re considering a new role or whether or not to accept a promotion, now is the time to make a trusty pros-and-cons list. You may also find yourself reconsidering your values. Are they still all aligned with the future version of who you want to be? Do you feel comfortable speaking up about what matters most to you? Don’t be afraid to use your voice.
The Full Moon in Pisces on September 10 brings relationship matters to a dramatic climax. This could signal the end or a new chapter within your closest ties. Perhaps you’re ready to let someone go, or maybe you’re ready to take the next step. Either way, you’re embracing change. News of a new partnership or collaboration could also come your way.
Some tension at work could leave you feeling a little depleted on September 16 when Venus in Virgo forms a square with Mars in Gemini. This is major workaholic energy. It’s possible a project at work is cutting into your personal time. However you spend your days–whether it’s working full-time, caring for a child, or volunteering—you may need to set some boundaries.
The Sun enters Libra on September 22 and at the same time, we welcome the Fall Equinox. This marks a halfway point in the astrological year. Before you charge ahead and try to make the most of the remaining months, slow down. Celebrate how far you’ve come. You deserve it. The Sun’s entrance into Libra will bring you attention to your resources and finances. People of importance are recognizing your skills and they may finally be ready to shell out the cash you’re worth! This is promotion territory, so if you’ve been ready to up-level in your career, don’t be shy about it. Ask and make it known. On the very same day, the Sun and Mercury mingle at the same exact point in the sky, creating a cazimi. This intensifies Mercury’s ability to deliver messages and information. Pay attention to conversations, themes and ideas that come through today. They are marked by the divine. A sudden, game-changing idea may arrive.
Mercury Retrograde changes its tune on September 23 when it moves into Virgo. You may find yourself rethinking some sense of your identity or personal goals. Is there something you’ve been hoping to accomplish or achieve, but just never gave yourself a fair shake? You’re spending more time thinking about you and where you want to be. It’s not selfish, it’s strategic. Take the time to sit with who you want to be and where you want to go.
A New Moon in Libra on September 25 marks a fresh start in your finances. You may be starting a new role or position, or you could be in the beginning stages of pursuing a new stream of revenue. You’re planting a seed. Believe in yourself, tend to it, water it, and be patient.
The month winds down with the delicious and auspicious arrival of Venus in Libra on September 29. Venus is the planet of love, blessings, and finances, and right now, it enters the financial sector of your chart. You’re beginning to be recognized and financially rewarded for your talents and ideas. Abundance is in the air. This is also a wonderful time to reconnect with your body and physical being. Book a massage! We store trauma and pain in the physical body, and this transit is an opportunity to release what no longer serves you. Take care of yourself and don’t be afraid of a little overindulgence. This is your all-access pass to deeper embodiment.
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