A Very Special Taste Test: Chris and Jaime Try ALL the Pumpkin Spice
For this week's taste test, Jaime and I sampled more than a dozen different pumpkin and pumpkin-spice flavored snacks and foods from the grocery store. In fact, there was so much to try, we couldn't fit it all into one video! So we're breaking it up over two weeks.
First, our producers got us in the mood by gussying up the studio with more fall-themed knick knacks than should reasonably exist in one space. Then they gave us little glowing jack-o-lantern head boppers to wear.
And only after these mild humiliations were we allowed to taste food.
In this week's episode we started with the classic—pumpkin spice latte—and then moved on to such curiosities as yogurt, breakfast pastries, and even soup. Some of it was good. Some of it was not. Some of it was healthy, though most was (befitting holiday-themed snacks) more indulgent than we typically go for.
To see what we tried, how nutritious it was, and what we thought of it, watch the video above. And to find out what else we tried, and what our favorites were, be sure to tune in next week!
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