30 Signs That Help Explain Why Americans Are Protesting Right Now
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30 Signs That Help Explain Why Americans Are Protesting Right Now
As protests continue to rock the United States, countless people are taking to the streets to protest the racism embedded in the fabric of this country. The death of George Floyd in Minneapolis was the catalyst for such activism, but, as the protesters have indicated, this is just one of many, many acts of injustice against Black voices and bodies that have occurred over centuries. These placards, signs, and banners range from snarky and funny to poignant and devastating, but they all have one thing in common: They're strong, sometimes wordless statements against brutality and injustice. If you're looking for sign ideas for your next protest, there are some great ideas here (and here's how to keep yourself safe).
Trigger warning: Some of these signs display words like "murder" and "kill," and others allude to or outright describe violence against BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color). While awareness and advocacy are both important, so is self-care, so be careful if you think these subjects will trigger you in any way.