Two People Get Slammed by Monstrous Wave on Razor Sharp Rocks In Hawaii

The biggest swell of the year hit the North Shore over the weekend.

And with it came the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The North Shore is notorious for enduring huge waves, but they still take their toll. Beach front homes took a beating, the highway was covered in sand, and lifeguard towers got pummeled. Meanwhile, some of the world's most ballsy big wave surfers took risks in the lineup while other people survived a potentially deadly situation.

Take, for example, the two people in the clip above. It's a perfect example of what not to do on the North Shore, or anywhere else during a big swell.

Hawaii News Now posted the video above and captioned it:

"Wow! The monster waves on North and West facing shores you heard about all day yesterday were no joke. Ocean Safety was not called to the scene. Courtesy: Raabstaar"

The video shows to people, most likely tourists not familiar with the ocean, standing on the reef outside of Shark's Cove on the North Shore.

Shark's Cove is a large tide pool and marine conservation area popular with tourists. It's usually overloaded with snorkelers on calm days. But during a huge swell? Just steer clear of Shark's Cove.

The people in the video aren't actually in the pool. Even worse, they're standing on the reef outside of it at the mercy of the open ocean.

Some smaller waves come through, and then an enormous wall of whitewater comes and wipes them out. Other people on shore run away.

From what it looks like, they were okay and got themselves up off the reef.

Side note: As far as Hawaiian reef and rocks go, the ones at Shark's Cove are another level of sharp.

These two got really lucky.

The post got a wave of comments that weren't as positive.


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