Try One Of These Leg Stretches For Your Tight AF Muscles
Whether you’re tight from your last workout or from sitting at a desk all day, here’s an idea for you: Do some leg stretches. Why? They’ll help you decrease that pesky, stiff-feeling discomfort and they come with a ton of other benefits, like improving your range of motion and reducing your risk of injury, explains Meg Takacs, NASM-CPT and founder of guided audio coaching app Run With Meg.
Before you roll out your mat, it’s helpful to learn about what causes tightness (or even soreness) in your calves, quads, and hamstrings in the first place. Things like sedentary behavior (sitting at a desk all day) or overtraining (such as repetitively doing the same activity) can be the source, explains Raymond Peralta, DPT, senior physical therapist at the Sports Performance Center at NYU Langone’s Orthopedic Center. “For example, people who only distance run tend to experience tight hamstrings and calves,” Peralta says.
Meet the experts: Meg Takacs, NASM-CPT, is an RRCA-certified running coach and CrossFit trainer. She is also the founder of guided audio coaching app Run With Meg. Raymond Peralta, PT, DPT, is the senior physical therapist at the Sports Performance Center at NYU Langone’s Orthopedic Center.
Sore or achy muscles actually have a different root cause and often benefit more from rest periods than stretching, Peralta says. Soreness is caused by microtears in the muscles that occur when we work out, Takacs says. These microtears are all a part of the normal process of muscle-building, she explains, and heal when the body sends nutrients and blood to the sore areas during resting recovery. All that said, stretching can help expedite that process and get your legs raring to go and can sometimes give your overall athletic performance extra oomph.
There are two types of leg stretching you can and should do: static and dynamic.
Static stretching (or, holding a position) should be done post-workout for recovery, Takacs explains. Why? It elongates your muscles, decreasing their elasticity, which can also decrease your power, speed, and agility if done pre-workout, she says.
This makes dynamic stretching (moving through your range of motion) better for the warm-up period. “It’s used to prepare your body for strain or impact, elevate your heart rate, and mimic the movements in your upcoming workout,” Takacs says.
In general, it’s safe to stretch your legs daily, Peralta says, though two to three days per week is plenty, too. However, you should definitely steer clear of stretching at all if you’ve just experienced a swelling-inducing injury, or more than mild discomfort when stretching. If you have medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, don't stretch either, Peralta explains. In all of these cases, it’s best to see a professional to guide you through stretching safely.
7 Best Leg Stretches
Now it’s time for the specifics. The following are the seven best leg stretches to relieve even the tightest muscles, demonstrated by Takacs and backed by stretching experts.
1. Achilles Opener
How to:
Start in a standing position with both feet hip-width apart and your head facing straight-on.
Step one leg forward and rest it into a slight bend, raising both hands over your head in a straight line.
Hold for 30 seconds, then switch legs. You should feel this stretch in the back of your legs, primarily in your achilles area.
2. Frog Pose
How to:
Start on all fours on the ground, with knees in line with hips and hands under shoulders.
Gently spread your knees apart so the arches of your feet are flat on the ground or as close as possible. You will feel the stretch in your inner thighs and hips.
Reach one arm to its opposite side, as if weaving, and touch your shoulder to the ground.
Reverse the arm motion to bring it back to start. That's one rep.
Complete 10 reps alternating sides, holding for around 30 seconds each.
3. 90/90 Hip Opener
How to:
Sit with your legs in front of you, bent at 90 degrees with both knees facing the same direction and laying on the ground. Keep hands clasped together or facing forward off of the ground.
After sitting in one direction for 90 seconds, keep heels on the ground and swivel your bent legs across so that knees point in the opposite direction.
Hold for another 90 seconds. (If needed, you can bring your elbows to the ground for increased range of motion.)
4. Glute Opener
How to:
Start by laying on your back with legs bent and feet on the ground.
Bring left leg to a 90-degree angle and rest it over the top of the right quad.
Hold this position for 30 seconds.
Switch legs, so right leg is in a 90-degree bend with ankle/calf resting on top of the left quad. Hold this side for another 30 seconds. (You should feel this stretch in your glute, hips, and upper hamstring.)
5. Hamstring Hinge
How to:
Start standing with feet hips-width distance apart, holding a PVC pipe (or similar household item) across your shoulders and upper back or place your hands behind your head.
Hinge your hips back, keeping knees slightly bent and feet glued to the ground. (You should feel this stretch all along your hamstrings when doing it correctly.)
Slowly raise up to standing. That's one rep.
Repeat for 10 reps.
6. Deep Squat Reach
How to:
Start standing with feet wider than hips-width distance apart and holding a PVC pipe (or broom) across your shoulders and upper back or place your hands behind your head.
Lower into a deep squat as low as your range of motion allows.
Slowly lean to the left side as far as you can without your heels coming off the ground. (If this is too challenging, you can also hold the deep squat position.)
Slowly lean to the right side as far as you can without your heels coming off the ground. That's one rep.
Continue alternating for 10 reps total.
7. Static IT Band Opener
How to:
Start standing and using a PVC pipe or wall for support.
Cross left leg in front of right, keeping both feet firmly planted and your right leg fully extended.
Bend down, hinging at the hips as far as you can without lifting your heels off the ground.
Hold this position for 20 seconds.
Repeat with right leg crossed in front and left leg fully extended.
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