22 cool-down stretches that will help prevent soreness after a workout
We're all guilty of skipping the cool down after a workout. I get it, there's little time in our schedules to set aside for exercise, so it's tempting to jump right back into your to-do list when the hard work is done.
But taking just a few minutes to stretch and let your body reset can make a world of a difference. Doing the right stretches to help your body cool down reduces your risk of injury, combats post-workout soreness and helps your body recover faster.
Just as a warm up readies the body for exertion, the cool down phase is all about allowing your body to come down from highs of intense movement under control while your muscles are still warm.
“After physical activity, your heart is still beating faster than normal, your body temperature is higher and your blood vessels are widened,” the American Heart Association says. “This means if you stop too fast, you could feel sick or pass out.” By dedicating time to a cool down stretch, you’ll be making sure you feel as good after your workout as you did during it.
Why is cooling down after a workout important?
Cooling down the body is a crucial part of any workout routine, as it helps the body transition from an active state back to a resting state. After intense physical activity, the heart rate is elevated, and muscles are warm and pliable. Engaging in cool-down exercises gradually lowers the heart rate and helps prevent blood pooling in the lower extremities. This cool-down period also helps prevent dizziness or fainting that can occur if you stop exercising abruptly. Stretching post-workout also helps with the removal of lactic acid from the muscles, reducing the likelihood of muscle soreness and stiffness allowing for a quicker recovery and less discomfort in the days following your workout.
And speaking of that to-do list, the benefits of a cool down go beyond physiological. Taking the time to stretch can be a great way to relax and de-stress, providing a moment of mindfulness and calm after the intensity of a workout. This can improve your mental clarity and leave you feeling more balanced and centered.
Best cool-down exercises
When warming up before a workout, we focus on dynamic, or moving, stretches. But when your workout is complete, holding static stretches is the best way to release tension in the muscles and help the body recover.
An effective cool-down period should last between 5 and 10 minutes. During that time, string together 5-7 of these static stretches to get a deep stretch and loosen up your entire body as you transition out of workout mode. Remember to take mindful breaths as you stretch. Proper breathing allows the body (and the mind!) to relax and helps you sink deeper into each stretch.
Child’s pose
Kneel on the floor so that your shins and tops of your feet are on the ground. Hinge at your hips, moving your hands forward and your butt back. Inch your hands out in front of you until your stomach is resting on your thighs and your arms are stretched straight out in front of you, palms on the floor. Focus on your breathing, and take it slow.
Shoulder rolls
Shoulder rolls will help loosen up the sides of your neck and the trapezius muscle (or back of the neck). Start by standing or sitting as tall as you can. Like all stretches, remember to breathe and move slowly. Without moving your arms, pull your shoulders up toward your ears, toward the back of the room, down, toward the front of the room and then back to the starting position, rotating them in a circle slowly. Circle in this direction three times, and then change the direction of the rotation.
Wide leg seated stretch
Begin seated on the ground, open your legs out wide and straight into a straddle position. It’s OK if your knees are bent due to flexibility issues. Flex the feet. Slowly lean forward just enough to feel a stretch in the inner thighs. Hold, move forward when possible, and then release.
Butterfly stretch
Sit on the floor. Bend both knees out to the side, bringing the bottom of your feet to meet each other. Hold your feet together with your hands and bend at the waist, lowering your chest toward the floor. Hold this pose for 10 slow, deep breaths. The closer your feet are to the body, the more challenging the stretch will be. So start with your feet a bit further from you and gradually bring them closer to your body as you become more flexible.
Forward fold
Start standing with feet together. As you exhale, reach your arms out to the sides and down toward the floor into a forward fold. Try to touch your fingertips or palms to the floor. If you can’t, bend at the knees just a little or place a yoga block in front of you and rest your fingertips lightly on the block.
Wrist stretch
ome into a table-top position with your knees underneath your hips. Place your palms on the ground underneath your shoulders. Turn your hands so that your fingertips are facing your knees. Gently rock your upper body forward and backward, finding the position you feel the best stretch in. Lean into that position, holding it for at least 10 seconds. Feel free to adjust as you stretch.
Kneeling hip flexor stretch
tart kneeling on the ground. Step your right foot out in front of you, with your right knee bent at 90 degrees. Keep your left knee on the ground and stretch the left leg behind you, resting the top of the left foot on the ground. Keeping your back straight, push forward into your right hip, being sure to keep the right knee over the right ankle. Hold this position for 5 breaths, then switch sides.
Ear to shoulder stretch
Standing or sitting, drop your right ear toward your right shoulder and feel a stretch in the left side of the neck. Hold for 2-4 breaths, and then release and switch sides.
Chin to chest stretch
Place your hands behind your head and gently press your head forward and down so that your chin reaches toward your chest. Feel a stretch behind the upper back and neck. Hold for 2-4 breaths and then release.
Armpit stretch
Place your hands behind your head with elbows out to the sides. This time allow your head to lean back into your hands. Tilt your chin up and look up toward the ceiling, slightly arching the back. Hold for 2-4 breaths and then release.
Standing side reach
Standing with your feet together, lift your right arm straight up into the air. Keep your left arm at your side or on your hip. Bend at the waist toward your left so that you feel a stretch in the right side of your waist. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
Shoulder stretch
Standing or sitting, cross your right arm across your body and hold onto it with your left hand. Use your left hand to pull on your right upper arm to cross your body further. Keep your right arm straight as you feel a stretch in your right shoulder and upper bicep. Then switch sides.
Tricep stretch
Reach the arms overhead. Bend your right elbow and place your left hand on the right elbow. Pull the elbow down so that your elbow points toward the ceiling and your right forearm dangles down behind your head. Feel a stretch in your right tricep, and then switch sides.
Standing lunge
Standing with your feet as wide as your hips, step your right foot forward and keep your back leg straight. Come up onto your back toes, and bend your right knee over the ankle. Pull your naval in toward your spine. Feel a stretch in the front of the right hip, and then switch sides.
Standing lunge with side reach
Step into a standing lunge, then reach the opposite arm of the bent leg up toward the ceiling. Bend at the waist, reaching your arm over to the side of the bent leg. This elongates the entire side of the body, from the straight leg behind you all the way up the side waist and hip flexor. Hold for a few counts, and then switch sides.
Standing quad stretch
Standing with your feet as wide as your hips, balance on your left leg. Bend your right knee and reach your right foot up toward your glute. Then grab onto your right ankle as you pull the foot closer to your butt. Hold for 2-4 breaths, and then switch sides.
Standing single leg hamstring stretch
Step your right foot 1-2 feet forward; straighten the leg and flex your foot. Then bend your left knee as you hinge at the waist and lean forward over the straight right leg. Feel a stretch down the back of your leg and into your calf. Hold for 2-4 breaths and then switch sides.
Standing figure four
Standing with your feet as wide as your hips, balance on your left leg and bring the right leg up. Cross the right ankle over the left thigh and bend the left knee out to the side. Sit back as if you’re about to sit down into a chair. Balance here. Flex the right foot. Gently press your hands into your right thigh to open it up a little bit more if you’d like. You can also mimic this exercise while seated. Hold for 2-4 breaths, and then switch sides.
Begin on all fours with your hands and knees on the ground. Step your right foot forward in between your hands, and then bring both hands to the inside of the right foot. Wiggle your right foot out to the right, and open the right hip, letting the right knee fall to the side so that you rest on the outer edge of your right foot. Keep the left knee on the mat, and rest the left foot on the mat. Push forward gently into your hips and hold. Switch so that your left foot is forward and repeat. Hold for 20-30 seconds.
Lying twist
Lying down on your back, hug both knees into your chest. Open the arms straight out to your sides into a “T” shape. Keeping your torso facing forward, lower the legs to the right and turn your head to the left. Hold the stretch for 3 breaths, then come to center. Switch to the left side, hold for 3 breaths, and then move on to the next exercise.
Don’t forget your feet! They are often an afterthought when it comes to stretching, but they get a workout too, especially during cardio exercise.
Foot rock
Sitting upright and barefoot, rock onto your heels and flex your toes. Then rock forward onto your arches and onto the balls of your feet, lifting your heels off of the ground but keeping your toes on the ground. Repeat 10 times.
Toe splay
Sit upright and barefoot with your feet on the ground and knees bent at 90 degrees. Open your toes as wide as you can and hold for 5 seconds. Release. Repeat 10 times.
This article was originally published on TODAY.com
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