How Much You Should Tip Your Dog Groomer, According To Experts
Should you tip your dog groomer? We've got some tips so you know how to proceed.
You may brush, bathe, and trim your pup's nails yourself, and if you can, consider yourself off the hook easily. But for many dog owners, their breed requires more specialized grooming, like a special cut or clipping, detangling, or shampooing long hair, not to mention nail trims. In these cases, what do you tip for your dog's salon services? Dr. Linda Simon, a veterinary surgeon and consultant for FiveBarks, and former groomer Robyn Michaels give us advice for tipping your dog groomer.
Meet The Experts
Dr. Linda Simon is a veterinary surgeon and consultant for FiveBarks, a site for practical advice when it comes to your canine companion.
Robyn Michaels is a retired groomer in Chicago.
Factors For Tipping
"The amount you tip your groomer will vary depending on several factors," says Simon.
"This includes your location in the world, how long you have been going to the groomers, and the service provided. A professional groom that takes several hours will inevitably merit a bigger tip than a quick claw clip or facial trim," says Simon.
What Is The Cost Of A Dog Groomer?
As with any industry, the best groomers will command higher prices—and therefore, higher tips. The cost for a bath, blow-dry, nail trim, ear cleaning, and sometimes anal expression—can average $30-$90 for the session.
If you add a specialized haircut or trim to the package, you may pay upwards of $65. "And if you are really happy with the service provided, be sure to let your groomer know by tipping them," says Simon.
What To Consider For Tipping
Michaels, a recently retired groomer in Chicago, says until not that long ago, at least 50 percent of owners didn't tip. "There is no set amount. Some people with difficult dogs tip nothing. Some, who really appreciate what we do, tip up to 50 percent–especially if they are very particular about how their dog looks, or if the breed is rare, or if they think we're undercharging," says Michaels.
If you are familiar with personal services, dog grooming is no different. If you would willingly tip a hair stylist or nail technician 15-20 percent, consider doing the same for your dog groomer. And don't forget: your dog likely has more hair than you do.
Good Service
Most owners want to see their dogs looking their best. However, they also appreciate when a groomer puts their dog at ease and prioritizes their well-being. If your dog seems relaxed and has a wagging tail when you pick them up, this may indicate a good grooming service and a happy pup.
If you aren't happy with the groom, either the service itself or the fact that your dog isn't comfortable there, you may want to discuss your complaint with the groomer or the staff rather than withhold a tip. If the cut isn't exactly right, speak up, or if your dog needs extra attention or comfort, talk with the staff so they can understand what you'd like done differently next time.
Develop A Tipping Standard
In a recent Reddit thread, owners discussed the amount they tipped their groomer. "Most agreed that 10-20 percent was the standard," says Simon. Some said they gave their groomers cards and gifts when they had been with them a long time and were moving away, at the holidays, or after their pet had passed on.
The next time you bring your dog into the doggie salon for service, consider tipping your groomer as you would when you get your hair or nails done. They'll appreciate it and your pup may even become one of their favorite canine clients.
Circumstances For Special Tipping
Not every grooming appointment goes as planned. If the appointment can't continue due to bleeding caused by a small nick or pet fear, or there's no charge for quick services, these are still circumstances when you should give your groomer a tip. If your pet’s hair is matted or your older dog can’t stand for the services, the extra effort and work should be acknowledged. In addition to tipping, compliments and recommendations go a long way. Give your groomer some love.
Upkeep Between Grooming Sessions
Between appointments with your dog’s groomer, you can do a few things to maintain cleanliness. If your dog has longer fur, make sure to brush it often, daily if necessary, to keep it tangle-free. Bathe your dog if needed. Dogs should be bathed at least once a month, so if your next appointment isn’t for a while, make sure to lather him up to get rid of any pet odor and residual dirt. Brush your pet’s teeth and provide vet-recommended dental chews and toys. You may need to trim or have your groomer trim your pet’s nails between appointments as well. These steps may make your pet's next grooming appointment a little easier too.
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