I Tested 9 Of The Most Popular Deodorants And Antiperspirants, As Someone Who Can Break A Sweat While Literally Standing Still
I don't know about any of you but when it comes to buying deodorant, I'm always a bit overwhelmed at the amount of options. I have my go-to brands, but I'm always second-guessing when I see them up against everything else.
When standing in the deodorant aisle, my mind is flooded with questions like, do spray deodorants last longer than stick deodorants? Is there actually a natural deodorant with a scent lasts longer than an hour? Which deodorant or antiperspirant will keep my armpits driest throughout the day?? It's A LOT.
I am a person who sweats easily. I run hot and sometimes my armpits will sweat when I'm literally standing still — so you can imagine how much of a glazed donut I look like when I'm actually doing something active.
When looking for a deodorant or antiperspirant, I typically aim for something that applies dry, doesn't leave any white residue on my clothes, and has a strong scent but one that isn't too much on the floral side. (Up until now, my go-to underarm product has been the Dove antiperspirant dry spray.)
So I decided to do myself a favor: I tested a variety of deodorants and antiperspirants to determine the best of the best. Again, there were SO many to choose from — but I narrowed them down to nine.
When choosing which ones to test out, I first researched the effectiveness and reviews of popular deodorant and antiperspirant brands. Then I made sure the ones I picked were at different price points, that they had different scents, and for the most part were all different in some way from one another. (More on this later.)
Note: Some deodorants I purchased with my own money while some were sent to me without any expectation of me giving a positive review.
From left to right:
? Tom's of Maine in Coconut Lavender — $5.99
? Secret Clinical Strength Completely Clean Invisible Solid — $12.82
? Native Aluminum-Free Deodorant in Butter Cream and French Vanilla — $12.97
? Degree Advanced 72H Motionsense — $4.48
? Dove Nourishing Secrets Dry Spray — $7.48
? Kosas Chemistry AHA Serum Deodorant — $16
? Old Spice Captain — $5.99
? Bee & You Natural Roll-On — $10.99
? Arm & Hammer Essentials Deodorant — $4.99
Here is how I planned to test each deodorant and antiperspirant:
I planned to test a different deodorant and antiperspirant every day and go about my usual activities — working, running errands, working out, being social, etc — to see how well each really worked and if it did what it promised. I also showered each morning to make sure I was starting every day with a clean slate.
Before I started testing, I reached out to an expert for a brief overview of the difference between deodorants and antiperspirants.
"Deodorants do not alter sweating. Deodorants contain ingredients that change the pH of the skin to make the environment less suitable for bacteria to survive in," explained Dr. Afton Cobb, MD, FAAD.
"Antiperspirants reduce sweating. They deliver aluminum salts to plug sweat ducts, thereby blocking sweat release. These are what we frequently recommend as dermatologists for people who have trouble with excessive sweating," added Dr. Cobb.
"The way that antiperspirants influence body odor is by minimizing the moist environment that bacteria thrive in," she added.
Each serves its own purpose and some products are a combination of the two. For the sake of this post: I'm aware that deodorants are not meant to keep your underarms completely dry — but I still took into consideration if any of them succeeded in keeping me dry and how well they did it.
I should also note that this ranking is subjective and based solely on my experience — and my body's reaction to these products. What worked best (or worst) for me might not be the same for you, but I'm hopeful this can still be helpful. So without further ado, here is the complete ranking of the deodorants and antiperspirants I tried, from least favorite to favorite!
FIFTH PLACE: Tom's of Maine Coconut Lavender, $5.99
According to Tom's of Maine's site, the specific antiperspirant stick I bought markets itself as providing "24-hour wetness and odor protection made entirely from ingredients derived from plants and minerals that meet our stewardship model for safe, effective, and natural."
When testing out Tom's of Maine, I applied it first thing in the morning after showering and getting dressed. I wore the deodorant for the duration of my day — which included a full workday, some errands, a physical therapy appointment, and a low-impact workout.
Overall Rating: 2/5. Even with me reapplying repeatedly throughout the day, Tom's of Maine gave out once I did anything physical. It was also the least scented of the brands I tried.
I really had high hopes for the Tom's of Maine's antiperspirant because I know a lot of people love it. But, tbh, it was a big no for me.
The main reason for my low rating is that the product didn't hold up to masking sweat once I did anything that got my heart rate up. After my physical therapy session and daily workout — each an hour long — I definitely smelled like sweat. Tom's of Maine also didn't keep me dry: I had pit stains in my tank top after both my PT session and my workout.
While I worked and ran errands earlier in the day, my underarms did stay dry — which was nice because sometimes these simple tasks can still make me sweat, especially depending on the temperature outside. Still, I had to reapply two more times throughout the day, including prior to working out. The scent also wasn't very strong to begin with. I felt like it was practically unscented.
? Application: 4/5. Felt wet at first, but dried quickly and was not sticky. No transfer to clothes.
? Scent: 2/5. The scent (coconut lavender) was nice but barely there. I also had to reapply several times to mask sweat.
? Effectiveness: 2/5. Did little to control odor or mask sweat once I started doing any moderate physical activity, such as working out. (And this was even after I made sure to apply a fresh coat right before the workout started.)
? Active ingredient(s): Aluminium chlorohydrate (22%) — antiperspirant
FOURTH PLACE: Old Spice Captain, $5.99
I've been always been someone who sweats a lot, and when I was younger, my mom used to suggest I try men's deodorant or antiperspirant because she swore it worked better for her. Whether that's actually true or not, I personally like the cologne smell of men's deodorant/antiperspirant and oftentimes it is cheaper. Since Old Spice is a classic brand, I had to include it in this ranking.
After showering and applying for the day, the first thing I noticed was the scent on this one was SO strong.
Overall rating: 2.5/5. Old Spice didn't really keep me dry and it was chalky and clumpy during application — but I was at least impressed with how long its scent lasted.
Although I was surprised with how well the scent lasted, I was disappointed that Old Spice didn't keep my underarms as dry as I had hoped. I've tried other men's deodorants or antiperspirants in the past that worked a little better than this specific one.
I had an interview for a story the day I was testing this antiperspirant and because of some nerves, my armpits got a little sweaty — and this option did not help at all. Then, when I took a workout class later in the day, although my armpits still smelled like cologne, they got sweaty AF.
This antiperspirant did go on dry but it left white crumbles on my armpit after swiping it on — which was a bummer.
I probably wouldn't reach for this antiperspirant again. Aside from keeping me smelling nice throughout the day, it didn't do anything else for me. There are better antiperspirants out there IMO.
? Application: 2/5. Went on dry, but it left white crumbles on my armpit, which did transfer to the inside of my clothes.
? Scent: 4/5. The scent was nice but strong. If you don't mind the smell of cologne, you'll like this strong, lingering scent.
? Effectiveness: 2/5. It kept me smelling good but it did not keep me dry at all.
? Active ingredient(s): Aluminium zirconium tetrachlorohydrex GLY (15%) — antiperspirant
THIRD PLACE: Dove Nourishing Secrets Dry Spray, $7.48
Dove's dry spray antiperspirants have been a favorite of mine for a while. I've found them to be one of the only deodorants/antiperspirants I could spray onto my armpits shortly after shaving them without them burning.
I sprayed this antiperspirant on in the morning and after going on a walk and doing some work outside, I felt the need to spray some more on because my armpits were already sweaty and the scent disappeared.
Fabiana Buontempo
Overall rating: 3/5. Although I had high hopes for this spray based on previous usage, my feelings about it have since changed. ??
While I love the spray component and how it went on dry, I was disappointed that it didn't keep me as dry throughout the day as I had hoped.
While my armpits stayed dry for the first half of the day, they did get sweaty when I was working in an unusually hot coffee shop. As seen in the photo above, I had some pit stains which was super annoying.
The good news is that this antiperspirant's scent was incredible — and it lasted all day long. I only applied this Dove spray once but if I was going out or to a workout class, I might have reapplied it just to add more scent. Since I spent the night in, I didn't feel the need to.
? Application: 4/5. Went on dry.
? Scent: 4/5. The scent was really nice and light. It was more of a perfume smell than an antiperspirant smell.
? Effectiveness: 2/5. While it kept me smelling good for an antiperspirant, I was disappointed with it failing to keep me dry.
? Active ingredient(s): Aluminium Chlorohydrate (20.2%) — antiperspirant
SECOND PLACE: Degree Advanced 72H Motionsense, $4.48
Degree deodorants have been another one of my go-to's ever since I was younger. This specific one is an antiperspirant-deodorant combo which means it is designed to reduce or stop perspiration and mask odor.
During application, it went on white — which made me nervous because I was wearing a dark top.
Overall rating: 3.5/5. Degree managed to keep me dry and its very strong scent lasted. But it had a not-so-great application and immediately transferred white to my clothes.
Although I was impressed with how well this antiperspirant-deodorant combo kept me dry and smelling good all night long, I still docked some points because of a messy application — and its scent was almost too strong. Although I waited a bit to put on my dark top after seeing how chalky the stick went on, the product still rubbed all over my shirt resulting in white spots on the inside and outside of it.
My top also smelled like the deodorant all night, which isn't necessarily a bad thing — but it was a bit too overpowering for me. I would've preferred the scent to be a little more subtle and not overpower my perfume.
Still, since it did keep me 90% dry through an entire night of eating, drinking, and dancing — I will use this one again.
? Application: 2/5. Went on chalky and transferred white to my clothes.
? Scent: 3/5. The scent was strong and it made my clothes smell like it, which I kind of hate.
? Effectiveness: 4/5. It kept me dry all night.
? Active ingredient(s): Aluminium Sesquichlorohydrate (16%) — antiperspirant
FIRST PLACE: Secret Clinical Strength Completely Clean Invisible Solid, $12.82
I was looking forward to testing Secret's Clinical Strength because I've yet to try a clinical-strength type of deodorant or antiperspirant and for the hefty price tag — I had high expectations.
On their site, Secret claims that their clinical strength product "gives you 3x better sweat protection versus the protection required of an ordinary antiperspirant." They don't specify how exactly this antiperspirant protects you better than competitors, so it might just be branding.
After application, I was relieved when my armpits felt dry and non-sticky with the Secret Clinical Strength. But I knew the ultimate test was seeing how well this smell and feeling lasted throughout my day.
Overall rating: 4.5/5. Secret really delivered with this antiperspirant! IMO, it did not disappoint. It honestly was the only antiperspirant on my list that actually did everything it claimed.
Although the antiperspirant is a white stick, it went on completely clear — without any white transfer.
The scent lasted from the moment I applied it until I worked out. The reason I didn't give this antiperspirant a 5/5 is that although its scent lasted through a sweaty workout, my underarms did sweat a bit and I had some white drip down my arm from my deodorant. (Not to be TMI but you know what I'm talking about!) However, as a point of comparison, it was nothing compared to how much I sweated when I tested the Tom's of Maine antiperspirant.
While working at my desk and taking my dog on a long walk, this antiperspirant did keep me completely dry which was honestly really great — and unusual for me!
I will definitely use this deodorant again, especially on days when I'm on the go and might not be able to reapply but I want to ensure that I'm dry and fresh smelling all day. It is pricey for an antiperspirant but considering how much I liked it and how well it personally worked for me, I would buy it and use it again.
? Application: 5/5. Went on dry and clear.
? Scent: 4/5. The scent was nice and not too overpowering. It did disappear a bit when I worked out but it still masked any sweat odor.
? Effectiveness: 4.5/5. It kept me smelling good, kept me mostly dry, and applied clear!
? Active ingredient(s): Aluminium zirconium tetrachlorohydrex GLY (20%) — antiperspirant
Before testing the different deodorants on my list, I also asked Dr. Cobb to answer clear up my confusion about deodorants marketed as "natural."
"Natural deodorants are less likely to use triclosan and tend to incorporate other ingredients, such as baking soda, hops, or witch hazel," she told BuzzFeed.
"Natural deodorants also tend to include essential oils of various types, as opposed to synthetic fragrances which are more likely to be utilized in standard deodorants," she added.
FOURTH PLACE: Arm & Hammer Essentials Natural Deodorant, $4.99
I first learned of this deodorant from one of my favorite YouTubers who RAVED about it, so my expectations were high. Right off the bat, I liked how it was a clear stick and the vanilla sandalwood scent smelled delicious.
Overall rating: 1.5/5. This was another natural deodorant that just...didn't work for me. Within hours of application, the scent was completely gone and my armpits felt sticky, which is a deodorant pet peeve of mine.
As a point of comparison, I've tried non-natural Arm & Hammer deodorants in the past that I didn't mind. So knowing that in addition to the fabulous review that YouTuber gave of this deodorant, my high expectations were (sadly) not met.
While wearing it through the day, the simplest of tasks still made my armpits sweaty, meaning the product wasn't doing anything for my sweat. (Again, I know that's not technically deodorant's job but STILL.)
I was disappointed that the scent didn't last because it was a really nice scent for deodorant, as I find other vanilla options smell too much like a candle. The only positive was that this deodorant went on clear — so no transfer to my clothes — — but the fact that it went on wet annoyed me.
? Application: 1/5. Went on clear, but it left my armpits feeling wet.
? Scent: 2/5. The scent was nice but it did not last long nor did it mask any odor.
? Effectiveness: 1/5. Its scent didn't last and I sweat a lot wearing it.
? Active ingredient(s): Propylene glycol, purified water, sodium stearate, Maris sal - Magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, citrus aurantium bergamia peel oil, amyris balsamifera oil, fragrance — deodorant
THIRD PLACE: Kosas Chemistry AHA Serum Deodorant, $16
This deodorant was the most expensive one I tested — and it's only available to buy at Sephora and on the brand's website. I was curious if the exclusivity actually meant a better product. I also wanted to learn what the AHA serum was all about, and the roller application intrigued me.
At first glance, I was surprised at how small the Kosas tube looked considering the $16 price tag. However, when I actually compared ounces to another contender in this post, it was actually .75 ounces bigger.
Overall rating: 2.5/5. Although it felt wet upon application, it kept me fairly dry until I worked out. Once I started sweating, though, all bets were off. The smell was gone and my underarms were very sweaty.
After applying this pricey deodorant and letting my underarms dry, I went to Sephora's website to read more about it. The product claims that its "AHA blend deodorizes, exfoliates, improves skin‘s moisture, and addresses visible dullness and discoloration." Sounds nice — but as I did more active tasks, I found the product to be ineffective at masking odor, so the fancy serum talk didn't really matter.
Admittedly, I didn't test the product for long enough to see if its claims about improving underarm texture and discoloration checked out. But given its (lack of) effectiveness, I wasn't motivated to try it for much longer.
? Application: 2/5. Went on clear but my armpits felt very wet.
? Scent: 3/5. The scent was nice but subtle and it disappeared once I got sweaty.
? Effectiveness: 2.5/5. It kept me smelling good — until I worked out. Then all bets were off.
? Active ingredient(s): Shikimic acid, Mandelic acid, lactic acid — deodorant
SECOND PLACE: Native Aluminum Free Deodorant in Butter Cream and French Vanilla, $12.97
Since I was already let down by the other natural deodorants on this list, I had low expectations for the Native deodorant. When I took the cap off, I was also surprised that the stick was brown.
I applied the deodorant in the morning and despite its brown color, it went on clear and dried instantly. So far, so good!
Fabiana Buontempo
Overall rating: 4/5. This deodorant impressed me! It applied nicely and smelled amazing.
Although it's a pricey deodorant, this is one I wouldn't mind spending the money on. I LOVED its vanilla buttercream smell and bonus points for it going on clear and being non-sticky.
The reason I didn't give it a perfect score was that as my day went on, I did feel the need to reapply it because the scent disappeared a little bit and I was afraid I was going to smell.
I also had some sweat stains on my shirt so this deodorant didn't keep me completely dry — but again, compared to the other natural underarm products on this list that I've tested, the Native version was superior.
? Application: 4/5. Went on clear and dried right away.
? Scent: 4/5. The vanilla-butter cream scent was one of the best scents I've ever smelled from a deodorant.
? Effectiveness: 3/5. The scent lasted but I still had to reapply in order to maintain effectiveness and keep pit stains at bay.
? Active ingredient(s): Coconut oil, shea butter, and baking soda — deodorant
FIRST PLACE: Bee & You Natural Roll-On, $10.99
When I first took the cap off of this deodorant, I was surprised at how scented it was. After testing a few natural options already, the bar was somewhat low since there were things I liked and didn't like about the other ones.
Overall rating: 4.5/5. I was not expecting to love this deodorant as much as I did but wow — this was the best out of all the ones I tested.
At first glance, I expected the rollerball to apply wet and stay wet. It did go on wet but it dried right away. The scent was stronger than any natural deodorant I tested but it was such a pleasant, floral-like smell that I didn't actually mind how overpowering it was. (It was almost as overpowering as the Degree deodorant but this scent was so much nicer.)
I wore it for the duration of my day and it was one of the only deodorants I tested that kept me smelling great — while running around doing errands and breaking a sweat in my hoodie. My armpits also stayed dry even though I was getting hot wearing my hoodie in stores.
I was super impressed by this deodorant and it will definitely be the one I reach for the most.
? Application: 5/5. Went on clear and I loved its rollerball applicator.
? Scent: 4/5. I didn't expect to like its scent as much as I did and it was strong without being too overpowering.
? Effectiveness: 5/5. This deodorant smelled great and kept me dry better than any other deodorant I tested.
? Active ingredient(s): Aqua, coco-caprylate, caprate, distarch phosphate, pentylene glycol, glycerol citrate, lactate — deodorant
TL;DR — Here are my top picks:
? Favorite antiperspirant: Secret Clinical Strength Completely Clean Invisible Solid ($12.82)
? Favorite deodorant: Bee & You Natural Roll-On ($10.99)
I loved both scents, both underarm products applied dry, and neither transferred any white to my clothes. However, if I had to pick an overall favorite, the Secret antiperspirant kept me drier than the Bee & You Natural deodorant — so the former is a better fit for my active lifestyle.
Dr. Cobb offered additional guidance and advice when looking for a deodorant or antiperspirant that's right for you — especially if you're concerned about aluminum-based products.
"Aluminum-based underarm products get a lot of bad publicity despite a lack of any concrete evidence that they actually do any harm," she told BuzzFeed.
"The concern proposed about aluminum salts is that they cause changes in estrogen receptors, which leads to an increased risk of breast cancer. Most studies have not found a link between breast cancer and aluminum antiperspirants," she added.
"In the few studies that did suggest a possible association, the results must be interpreted with caution due to the small sample size and [the] study design, Dr. Cobb said. "It’s also worth mentioning that the amounts of aluminum absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream are quite minimal."
And those with certain allergies should be careful about their underarm product of choice, Dr. Cobb added.
"People who have fragrance allergies should avoid products with fragrance listed in the ingredients, but people without a history of reactions to fragrance should be fine to use it," Dr. Cobb explained.
"For people who experience excessive sweating, aluminum-based antiperspirants are the most effective option. If someone is concerned about the risks, they might consider other methods to minimize sweating — such as botulinum toxin (aka Botox) armpit injections, glycopyrrolate medication or medicated wipes, iontophoresis, or energy-based devices such as MiraDry," she advised.
"For people who have bad-smelling body odor, another option would be to try washing the area with a benzoyl peroxide wash to help minimize bacteria," Dr. Cobb added.