Tarot Card Readings for Each Zodiac Sign: June 2024
Strap yourselves in, because your 2024 June Tarot card reading and horoscope says each zodiac sign is experiencing an emotional turning point. This month invites new energy into our lives, triggering past traumas before inevitably healing them. You’re about to see just how much progress you’ve made.
Now that Jupiter is officially moving through Gemini, curiosity may lead you off the beaten path. And with Gemini season still fully underway as you enter this month, you have the power to try so many different things and concoct brilliant plans. However, maintaining those plans without giving in to boredom will be extra difficult, especially when relationship-oriented Venus in Gemini squares off with inhibiting Saturn on June 9, only to be followed by messenger planet Mercury in Gemini on June 12. Starting something will be easy, but actually finishing it may be harder than it looks. On the same day, passionate Mars will enter slow and steady Taurus, forcing us to slow down and practice patience and realism.
Cancer season begins with a splash on June 20, throwing us in the deep end of some very intense emotions right at the start of summer. After all, a full moon in Capricorn takes place just one day later, creating inner turmoil as it your feelings become heavier and more complicated to process. Let’s not forget a moon in Capricorn is technically a moon in detriment, as Capricorn is cold and distant territory for the notoriously clingy and emotionally-attached Cancer.
Your June 2024 Tarot Card Reading for Each Zodiac Sign
By the time June is over, you could be in the process of becoming more emotionally invested in something—or someone. And because there’s no way of knowing how everything look on the other side, your monthly Tarot horoscope will at least be one major clue. Here’s what the main theme of your June 2024 story is looking like, according to a Tarot card pull for your sun sign, moon sign, and rising sign:
Aries: King of Swords
While everyone can distort the truth it’s the way you seek the truth out that really describes your character and moral code. This month, you should let your uncertainties, emotions, and fantasies flow through you before you settle on what you know without a doubt to be fact. By being able to get grounded in your opinions rather than carried away by the changing intellectual winds, you’re establishing themselves as someone who is confident in their beliefs and ready to defend them without anxiety or insecurity. Let someone who knows more than you do show you the way.
Taurus: 2 of Wands
This month, you may be standing at a crossroads and contemplating the right decision. The 2 of Wands is a card of that represents the initial stages of manifesting your ambitions, but only after you’ve committed to a choice. Right now, you’re contemplating your options and making strategic choices that will shape your future. So many possibilities lie ahead of you, so don’t just step out of your comfort zone—leap out of it with just as much joy as fear! Don’t be nervous about taking a risk, as it’s the only way you’ll ever get somewhere meaningful.
Gemini: 5 of Swords
This is a major month for you, Gemini, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be without its challenges. Jupiter is giving you a larger-than-life perspective, causing you to ooze confidence. However, it’s when you’re at your most successful that secret haters tend to make themselves known. The 5 of Swords is a card of conflict, tension, and the aftermath of a challenging situation. And when you’re riding high, it tends to make other people want to bring your ego down a notch. However, stooping to their level just to stay on top will only come back to haunt you later.
Cancer: The Fool
This month, you’re going places you’ve never gone before. The Fool represents the ignorant bliss that arrives at the start of an exhilarating journey. If you’ve been considering a bold new direction, take this as your cue to pursue it! As you confront the unknown, you may have a moment of beginner’s luck. While stepping into unfamiliar territory can be intimidating, and it’s often simpler to stick with what you know, genuine growth and satisfaction await beyond your comfort zone. However, without commitment and discipline, you may end up right back where you started.
Leo: Knight of Wands
It’s time to rev that engine and go full-steam ahead! The Knight of Wands card is a burst of energy and momentum that propels you toward your goals. However, it’s also a sign that you should be mindful of your impulses, as a lack of foresight could cause you to jump on the first opportunity that lands in your lap. Either way, you should embrace a more passionate perspective of life, as you’re dealing with an excess of courage at the moment. If you pour it all into something truly worthwhile, you’ll get much further ahead than you bargained for.
Virgo: The Magician
This month, you should unleash your inner witch. Perform a spell or ritual that will get you exactly what you want, as your skills in manifestation and magic are reaching an all-time high. The Magician card is a sign that you’re in a beautiful position to turn your dreams into fruition. You have everything you need, as you have a surplus of resources, supporters, and positive energy at your disposal. By getting creative and being willing to believe in your artistic visions, you could alter your reality through the act of creation. All that’s needed now is your ability to do something with intention.
Libra: Death
This month, you’re letting go of something in a way that creates space for the new. Such is the cycle of life, and the Death card represents the transformation that arises through the acceptance that something is coming to an end. While it can denote the end of a particular situation, relationship, or a certain perspective, it is also a powerful symbol of rebirth and new beginnings. This month, you’re a phoenix rising from the ashes, reading yourself to return from the dead. All you have to do is be willing to cut that extra weight loose.
Scorpio: The Star
“Look at the stars / look how they shine for you / and all the things you do”. If you pull The Star card during a reading, it’s a sign of hope, inspiration, and future blessings to come. It’s a sign that you’re looking forward and embracing faith in your belief in something higher than yourself; in something that can be of benefit to all. This month, you can trust you’re on the right path, but you should also know that this is just the calm in the aftermath of the storm. You know what it took to get here, giving you peace of mind that you’ll continue to make progress.
Sagittarius: 4 of Pentacles
This month, there may be moments you feel your options are limited, giving way to a scarcity mindset. You might grub over pennies, withhold affection, and tell yourself “No” even though you really want to say “Yes”. And while it’s always smart to enjoy certain things in moderation, constantly holding yourself back when all you really want to do is go forward is only a recipe for frustration. While it’s wise to get thrifty when you’re working with less, it shouldn’t come at the cost of your instincts when you have a surplus. Give your cup permission to runneth over.
Capricorn: 4 of Swords
Kick back, relax, and watch the show. The 4 of Swords is a sign that you’re entering a period of rest and recuperation, as you’ve just survived a tumultuous situation and you need time to process all that has transpired. Whether you’ve been dealing with a relationship change or issues with money, you’re likely feeling completely spent and your stamina totally drained. Give yourself time to simply lie and bed and rot. Give yourself permission to pull back your energy when all you’ve been doing is giving it away. Remember, your well-being comes first and you deserve a fresh shot.
Aquarius: King of Pentacles
This month, you might be dedicating countless hours to working hard, but it will finally bear fruit by the time it’s over. Keep focusing on boosting your income and accumulating wealth, but remember that “wealth” encompasses more than just financial gain. Abundance appears in various forms, so take a moment to appreciate the overwhelming resources you have at your disposal. If you maintain your resolve, you will soon see the significant progress you’ve made since you began, opening doors for career advancement.
Pisces: 8 of Pentacles
This month is an ideal time to immerse yourself in one pursuit more deeply than ever before. Put in the additional effort and exceed the basic requirements. This extra dedication now will yield significant benefits in the future. Rather than overextending yourself and taking on too many commitments by spreading your eggs across too many baskets, focus on what truly matters to you. The 8 of Pentacles encourages you to master a particular skill or goal. If you’re sidetracked by numerous ambitions, you won’t achieve as much in the area that counts the most.
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