
  • Health
    Yahoo Life

    Stay healthy: Lots of best-selling supplements are 44 percent off today—Culturelle, Estroven and more

    Today's the day to stock up at Amazon: Top-rated probiotics, menopause supplements and DHA Omega-3 are super cheap!

  • Entertainment
    Yahoo Life

    Does your pet need probiotics? Here's what vets want you to know

    We asked a few experts to explain how animals with digestion issues can be aided by probiotics.

  • News
    Yahoo Life

    The link between your gut health and autoimmune diseases

    Medical experts are still mystified about what exactly causes an autoimmune disease. But now, fascinating new research shows that your gut bacteria may play an important role.

  • Entertainment
    Yahoo Life

    What is Yakult, the Japanese drink featured on 'To All the Boys I've Loved Before'?

    A Japanese probiotic is selling out after making an appearance in Netflix's breakout hit of the summer. Here's why doctors say the trend is a healthy one.

  • News
    Yahoo Life

    Is the secret to better beauty sleep in your belly? This naturalist believes so.

    "If we're not getting enough nutrients or digesting our food properly due to poor gut health, our skin literally starves," says Carla Oates, aka The Beauty Chef.

  • News
    Charlotte's Book On Yahoo

    7 Skin-Fixing Probiotic & Protein Supplements For Women

    We’re intimately familiar with the food-body-skin-health connection. Charlotte’s Book has extolled the collagen-building virtues of bone broth, Japanese beer, and lycopene; unless you’re hiding under a rock, you know that ingestible beauty is the future of skin health. Health and beauty are one. While we love the emergence of beauty powders on the market, the marriage of beauty powders and protein/fitness supplements is next level.

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    LEH on Yahoo

    The Surprising Reason You Have Trouble Sleeping

    Here’s more evidence that all elements of your body and health are connected.

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    Yahoo Health

    5 Signs You're Suffering From Candida Overgrowth – and What You Can Do About It

    Odds are pretty high that you’re familiar with the medical condition known as a yeast infection, as statistics suggest that up to 75 percent of all American women contract a vaginal yeast infection (along with the accompanying itching and thick, discolored discharge) at least once in their lives. Candidiasis refers to an overgrowth of the yeast Candida albicans. At normal levels, Candida is harmless and exists alongside the trillions of other bacteria in the mouth, vagina, rectum and digestive

  • News
    The Cut on Yahoo

    What to Eat to Become More Beautiful

    Try these beauty foods to enhance your appearance.

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    Yahoo Beauty Contributors

    Junk Food Makeover: Gatorade

    Remaking the iconic Gatorade. (Photo: Getty Images)

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    Michele Promaulayko

    Healthy Desserts You Can Eat Every. Single. Day.

    For most people, dessert equals decadence frosted with an abundance of guilt. But model turned baker Crosby Tailor is disrupting the idea that sweets need to be sinful with his line of healthy treats, alluringly called Eat Dessert Burn Fat.?

  • News
    Yahoo Beauty Staff

    YB Loves: Tula’s Probiotic Skincare

    Probiotics are beneficial for your gut and your skin. To us, that means restoring balance, which is where probiotics come in handy. “Probiotics are beneficial bacteria or yeast — organisms that offer [multiple] benefits to the human body,” gastroenterologist and internist Dr. Roshini Rajapaksa tells Yahoo Beauty.

  • News
    Charlotte's Book On Yahoo

    The Newest Probiotic Science and What it Means For Skin Care

    When we tell you that probiotics belong on your face, a natural first reaction is full-blown skepticism. You’ve read the news: you know all about fermented foods, probiotic supplements, and how these foods are linked to better health, including magnificent skin. But you’re supposed to eat them, right? Absolutely!

  • News
    No?l Duan

    YB Loves: An Exfoliator For Hypersensitive Skin

    Each day the editors of Yahoo Beauty are sharing one noteworthy product we feel should be on your radar. I drink kombucha and put The Beauty Chef Inner Beauty Powder on top of my Greek yogurt regularly — but I’ve never thought about topical applications of probiotics. A few months ago, I snagged a bottle of Aurelia Probiotic Skincare Refine and Polish Miracle Balm ($98) from the beauty closet, mainly because I liked the pink-and-gold packaging and thought it’d look pretty sitting on my vanity

  • News
    Amanda Chan

    How to Pick the Right Probiotics

    Got probiotics?? You know they’re vital to health — they’re good bacteria essential to our immune systems and digestion, and even play a role in our mood.? Fermented foods like kimchi and kefir naturally provide these good gut bugs, and?“getting your probiotics from food is great for maintenance [of your microbiome] and keeping the?‘bad guys’ in check,” says?functional medicine doctor Robin Berzin, MD, the founder of Parsley Health, referring to?“bad” gut bacteria that could lead to symptoms suc

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