"The Suicide Squad" Bombed At The Box Office — These Are The Reasons It's Still Worth Seeing
On today's episode of BuzzFeed Daily, we broke down the top pop culture headlines AND discussed The Suicide Squad's less-than-stellar box office performance. You can listen below or scroll down to read more about the interview! (WARNING: There are spoilers for The Suicide Squad in this episode!)
So let's dive right into it! Recently we talked to Allie Hayes about The Suicide Squad and the future of superhero movies. Here's some of what we learned:
BuzzFeed Daily: The movie is getting mixed reviews... You actually went to the set and you've seen it twice now. So what do you think? What's your view? Good? Bad? Should we see it? Not see it?
@TheSuicideSquad / GIPHY / Via giphy.com
Allie Hayes: I greatly enjoyed this movie. I knew I was going to like it from the second I started seeing things behind the scenes. I tell everybody the same story, that I can actually tell people now, where the second that I saw the design for Harley's outfit, I got emotional and I turned to the person next to me and I was like, "They gave her flat shoes! She's running around in flats Oh, my god." Honestly, yes, it's huge for women. It's huge for women everywhere, truly. I personally really enjoy the movie. I went into it knowing what I was getting, which is a very weird, very silly DC Comics movie. But I greatly enjoyed it personally.
BuzzFeed Daily: What performances stood out to you as the best?
@TheSuicideSquad / GIPHY / Via giphy.com
AH: So Margot Robbie is always great. She's always fantastic, and I would go as far as to say this might be her best Harley Quinn performance. I loved her in it. She was utilized just enough. John Cena has no business being as hilarious as he is in this movie. You guys already know I'm a WWE stan, so I know mic skills, so I know he's good on the mic. But he really blew me away with how funny he is and also how grounded he is. And this he has a few dramatic moments. And I believed them. They really, really good. And then, of course, as far as standouts go...Daniela Melchior is truly the heart of the film. She plays Ratcatcher 2. She's so sweet. She's so cute in it. The whole movie. You're wondering how that character got herself in the situation with these horrible people. I would watch a standalone film for her in a heartbeat. She's truly probably going to be the breakout star from this. And then, of course, Idris Elba, sexiest man alive of all time. Every day. People Magazine can change it, but it never changes in my heart.
BuzzFeed Daily: A lot of people have seen it, but it's still a box office let down. Why do you think that is? Do you think this is like related to the streaming, or COVID, or just the movie? Why is it not performing as well as people hoped?
@TheSuicideSquad / GIPHY / Via giphy.com
AH: I definitely think that the most straightforward explanation for it would be a mixture of COVID fears, as well as streaming. However, I think that an unexamined portion of this might be the confusion...around what exactly this movie is, because you have people who saw the first iteration of it who weren't huge fans of it, thinking, Why would I go see a sequel to this? And then people who didn't see it but heard that the first one was bad being like, Why would I go see a reboot of this? Which is really disappointing for me as a comic book movie fan, because I found it great. I think all comic book movies offer something different and this definitely offered something different.
We discussed Beyoncé opening about missing out on her “teenage years” and the stress she felt while building her music career, as well.
She told Harper’s Bazaar that her teen years were all “about the grind” and added that as a Black woman in music she felt she was under constant scrutiny and had no room to make mistakes. She said she “wanted to break all of the stereotypes of the Black superstar, whether falling victim to drugs or alcohol or the absurd misconception that Black women were angry.”
We also talked about the guy formerly known as the Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo.
After months of refusing to resign during an investigation into his alleged workplace sexual harassment — a report from Letitia James subsequently found truth to the allegations. Cuomo said he’ll officially resign later in August. Cuomo’s current lieutenant governor, Kathy Hochul, will take over as Governor.