‘Step into the zone of awkward team building and tough presentations – they do pay off’
I recently surprised everyone who knows me by joining in an indoor skydiving “team-building” activity at a company I chair.
I should clarify that the indoor version is nothing like actual skydiving – instead of leaping from a plane, I hovered a mere few feet off the ground in a wind tunnel, aided by an instructor. Even so, I was well beyond my comfort zone, nervous about making a complete idiot of myself, especially in front of 25 colleagues – most of whom I’d only met earlier the same day.
But I am so glad I did it. My technique was lousy, but the satisfaction of overcoming my fear, combined with bonding with new (and in some cases, equally terrified) colleagues outweighed any embarrassment.
Team-building antics aside, we need to be willing to step outside our comfort zone at work if we’re to progress in our careers, whether we’re in our 20s or 50s. No one can really improve by staying cosy and comfortable – we need to explore and take risks, pushing out our (often self-imposed) boundaries.
Clearly, that’s often easier said than done. And it can be hard to know what’s an appropriate level of risk – discomfort for its own sake isn’t really the point, especially if it’s intense. The adrenalin that accompanies a new experience can help us rise to the challenge, but sheer panic can have the opposite effect.
Since I have a real fear of heights, if the team-building exercise had actually involved jumping out of a plane, no amount of “camaraderie” could have persuaded me.
I recently moderated a discussion where the panellists were asked to elaborate on how we can actively move out of our comfort zone without overdoing it. The audience was a group of women aspiring to be fund managers – all ambitious, engaged and enthusiastic.
Even so, they were wrestling with the idea of taking steps into the unknown. And yes, the classic “Should I take a promotion even if I don’t think I’m ready?” question came up too, with such doubts often associated with women.
Some great tips were offered by the four panellists, all of whom are already very successful female fund managers. Since their chosen career is one where women are still vastly outnumbered (almost 90pc of portfolio managers are men), they each had “beyond my comfort zone” experiences to share.
“One step at a time” was the overriding message; no giant leaps, just baby steps – taking a small risk, seeing how it goes, recalibrating, and then off again. Little by little our comfort zone grows and, gradually, steps that would have felt very daunting originally start to be far less scary.
One of the panellists described the ideal level of risk-taking as similar to that sensation when we are swimming and move from shallow waters to out of our depth. The sea-bed gradually disappears from underfoot, and there’s a moment when we lose contact and might momentarily hesitate.
As long as we can swim, that’s soon forgotten. But if we’re not confident about our swimming ability, it’s advisable to have a companion.
So, in those especially tricky “shall I, shan’t I” situations, our panel advised seeking another opinion from a trusted adviser. What seems scary to me might seem absolutely straightforward to you. It can be hard to judge by ourselves what’s a rational anxiety and what’s disproportionate.
As for whether to take on a role we don’t feel quite ready for, the flip-side of that dilemma is that the best opportunities will always be a stretch. Having experienced being promoted beyond my qualifications on paper and lived happily to tell the tale, I have learned to instead ask, “What’s the worst that can happen?”. Even a disaster might not be quite what it seems.
After many setbacks, I know they can be greater learning experiences than wins. And you may well succeed! If you’re capable and determined, a “stretch role” will lift your game and help you prepare for the next challenge.
Our panel also emphasised the importance of being open to unforeseen possibilities and willing to raise your hand. “Yes, I’ll do that” leaves a great impression, even if you aren’t quite sure about the task.
I once asked a young woman to present at a client conference – a big annual showpiece that would be a little daunting even to seasoned presenters. The woman was very articulate and polished in our internal meetings, and I was confident she would be brilliant on stage.
Initially she said yes, but came to see me the next day saying she was very worried about it, explaining that she’d never done such a thing before.
I suggested that she prepare to speak, that we arrange extra coaching and rehearsals, and then if on the day before the conference, she really didn’t want to, I would have a plan B. She prepared like no one else and was absolutely the star of the show (just as well, since I had forgotten to line up an understudy, since I was so confident in her abilities).
She came to see me afterwards and thanked me for “pushing” her out of her comfort zone. She went on to become one of the company’s best, most prolific presenters, and when she eventually moved on to another firm, those presentation skills helped her to land another, more senior role.
The key is to try and cultivate the mindset that means you are open to new possibilities and to giving something a go. You are prepared to go beyond your comfort zone. And, once you have that mindset, remember you can still say no. We don’t always need to take the hard road. Our appetite for risk-taking will ebb and flow and sometimes we need to go easy on ourselves.
There are times when deciding not to do a very specific challenging thing one day is the right decision. I have those days, and I have learned that in those moments, forcing myself to do the tricky thing can really undermine my confidence.
Listen to your mentors, friends, allies – and most importantly, to yourself. But on those good, upbeat days, remember: fortune favours the brave.