Sprouted Potatoes Are Actually Toxic—What To Know Before Eating Them
Potatoes are one of the most hardy, versatile vegetables. The affordable ingredient can be transformed into creamy mashes, crispy fries, and pillowy gnocchi. Keeping potatoes in your kitchen is basically no-brainer. When stored correctly, a bag of spuds can stick around for several months—so you can reach for them whenever you want some starchy goodness.
That is, until you discover that your potatoes are covered in misshapen white sprouts. It almost looks something out of a horror movie, especially when the skin of your potatoes start to shrivel and wrinkle. Let's be honest: sprouted potatoes are ugly. But with the cost of groceries these days, the last thing we want to do is waste food.
It may be the less wasteful option, but is it safe to cook with sprouted potatoes? You may hear conflicting information about what to do with sprouted spuds: some people toss them while others continue to use them. So if you’re dealing with a sprouted potato and don’t know what to do with it, we’re here to help. Here's everything you need to know about why potatoes grow sprouts, whether or not you should cook with them, and how to prevent your potatoes from sprouting in the future.
Why Do Potatoes Sprout?
Potatoes are typically harvested from the ground, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they need dirt to grow. In fact, moisture and warmth are the only factors required for spuds to start sprouting. The ideal temperature for potato growth is actually lower than you'd think—think anywhere between 68-70°F. Farmer Jenny McNally revealed to The Irish Times that the indoor temperature of many homes is warm enough to trick potatoes into thinking that it's spring.
The part of the potato we eat is the root, and its primary function is to facilitate the growth of the plant and flower. So over time and in warm, moist environments, the nutrients in the root will jumpstart the sprouting process. The root itself is edible, but the rest of the plant is actually poisonous.
Can You Eat Sprouted Potatoes?
The short answer is: it depends. The sprouts themselves are high in glycoalkaloids, a type of chemical compound that can be toxic to humans. Glycoalkaloids are also found in fresh potatoes, albeit in negligible amounts. The more the potatoes sprout, the more glycoalkaloids develop—in both the sprouts and the root itself.
High concentrations of these compounds lend an unpleasantly bitter flavor to your potato and can cause serious stomach problems. According to the National Capital Poison Center, consuming enough glycoalkaloids can lead to vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headaches, fever, and even death (in a few cases).
But a few small sprouts aren't necessarily enough to send you to the emergency room. If your potato is just starting to sprout, and the root is still firm and wrinkle-free, you can simply cut off the sprouts and cook the potatoes as normal. But if the sprouts are over an inch long or the potatoes are shriveled, you're better off tossing them entirely.
How Do I Stop My Potatoes From Sprouting?
The best way to prevent potatoes from sprouting is by employing proper storage techniques. Keeping your spuds in cool, dry spaces (like your pantry or closet) effectively slows the sprouting process and keeps your potatoes in good shape for longer.
Minimizing their exposure to sunlight is also key. If your potatoes came in a mesh or clear plastic bag, you should transfer them to a paper bag instead. Not only does the opaque material block the sun, but it also offers improved airflow and reduces moisture levels. This tip is especially important if you live in a humid climate.
Where you store your potatoes may be important, but the other vegetables you keep nearby also matter. Several ingredients that also prefer cool, dark places—like anything in the onion family—releases a compound called ethylene that speeds up the sprouting process of potatoes in close proximity. Make sure you keep your potatoes and other vegetables in separate bags or containers to extend their lifespan.
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