The Sky Today, October 9, 2022
At 1:55 p.m.: The moon is opposite the sun
Mid-afternoon, the Aries full moon provokes anxiety! The September 25 Libra new moon prompted us to set intentions for establishing reciprocal relationships, while warning that fixating on perfection could tip the scales off-balance. Today, this giving-receiving dynamic is illuminated. We are forced to pull back cooperative energy to focus on our own needs. Yet, the moon’s conjunction with wounded-healer Chiron makes this an extremely awkward process! The Aries moon amplifies the perception that taking risks, pioneering our efforts, and even expressing difficult emotions like anger, puts us at a disadvantage. It doesn’t help matters that the sun is traveling with Venus, putting extra pressure on us to achieve relational harmony! At this time, we are guided to recognize that when we pursue our aims, we heal ourselves, thereby making ourselves better candidates for relationships based on mutual respect. If we constantly focus on our perceived failures or weaknesses, we will continue to sell ourselves short in our partnerships, believing ourselves to be unworthy of those whose love we desire. As difficult as it may be to negotiate this day, any brushes with self-doubt, insecurity, or criticism are intended to highlight anxieties so they can be reintegrated healthily. In doing so, we build a foundation of self-love, a prerequisite for relational love.
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At 5:48 p.m.: The moon is sextile Saturn
In the evening, the moon sextiles Saturn in Aquarius, offering stabilization following a tricky full moon! This transit harmonizes the energies of our inner child and inner elder. It allows us to understand that emotional safety must come from within, from interior self-regulation. By setting proper boundaries, we engage with others in healthier and happier ways. Limits do not restrict us; they provide a safe container for growth and experimentation.
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