The Sky Today, June 22, 2022

At 2:27 a.m.: The moon is conjunct Chiron

In the pre-dawn hours, the Aries moon conjuncts Chiron, provoking tender feelings. Sensitive emotions are aroused, forcing recollections of old pain.  In our past, others might have caused us to feel self-conscious about expressing our individuality, and over time, we’ve internalized their criticisms, harshly judging ourselves in moments of self-doubt so that we beat phantom aggressors to the punch.  In doing so, we run the risk of becoming the very thing that hurt us most. Of course, the hope with this aspect is that this behavior becomes so apparent to us that we see that we’ve become our own worst enemy. Once we commit to reframing our narrative, we set off a chain of healing that affects everyone we encounter. 

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At 11:58 a.m.: The moon is conjunct Mars

Before noon, the moon aligns with Mars in Aries, amplifying tensions stimulated during the moon-Chiron conjunction. If we are not mindful of our energy, we can come out swinging against perceived competitors. Kneejerk responses can do more harm than good, creating enemies where there previously were none.  However, if we do have a cause to advocate for at this time, this moon-Mars connection can provide us a boost of confidence with which to overcome shyness. We are likely to experience a mix of both courage and apprehension as these influences bounce back and forth against each other. 

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