The Sky Today, August 8, 2021
At 12:17 a.m.: The moon is trine Chiron
Just after midnight, the Leo moon forms a healing trine to Chiron in Aries. Because many of us will be asleep when this aspect perfects, our dreams might see us conquering villains who represent our fears and anxieties. In overcoming the challenges posed to us via our unconscious, sleeping brain, we foil self-sabotaging instincts, reframing failures as cinematic one-acts in our life’s drama. This self-reflective influence is good for exploring pain through art, music, or creative writing, transforming moments of insecurity into something not only empowering, but fashionable.
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At 6:50 a.m.: The moon is conjunct the sun
In the morning, the Leo new moon encourages us to take up space. This lunation begins a new cycle in chasing our passions. We can use our creativity to forge a unique path unencumbered by others’ preconceptions of our identity. The Leo archetypally resonates with our inner child, and it may be wise to let our younger self take the reins now. Ask what they want! The answer may surprise you. Your inner child could crave more play, fun, and leisure. Perhaps they will urge you to re-commit to that art project you shelved to attend to more pressing adult responsibilities. They may inspire you to release yourself from peer pressure, societal expectations, or imposter syndrome, influences that have tied your confidence to others’ approval. The new moon additionally forms a square to Uranus in Taurus, a reminder that often forging our own path means rebelling from the norm and staying flexible. While this moment seeks to align us with our heart’s desires, that doesn’t mean that what we dream up now will look the same in a year, a month, or even a day! Our homework is to live authentically from moment to moment while remaining true to our inimitable originality, even with the knowledge that the future is uncertain.
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