The Sky Today, August 4, 2021
At 12:38 p.m.: The moon is trine Jupiter, and the moon void of course begins
In the afternoon, the Gemini moon forms a trine to Jupiter in Aquarius, an easy transit for socializing or conveying important ideas to loved ones. Subject matters that might ordinarily be too emotionally intense to broach can be discussed without needless distress. We might discover that we are quite popular now, and resultingly we are called on to teach, demonstrate, or generally to explain unfamiliar concepts to others. This moment satisfies our curiosity and allows us to flex our teaching muscles. The moon then enters a short void following this aspect—so keep things light and have fun!
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At 2:17 p.m.: The moon enters Cancer, and the moon void of course ends
Mid-afternoon, the moon enters Cancer, ending its void of course, and where previously we were able to communicate from a position of relative objectivity, at this time, all of our interactions take on emotional significance. It will be nearly impossible to not take things personally, which can be both good and bad. Taking things personally allows us to empathize with others and to offer support to the people we care about. It can also cause us to take words or actions to heart that have no ill-intent.
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