The Sky Today, August 28, 2021

At 2:52 a.m.: The moon is conjunct Uranus

In the early morning, the Taurus moon conjoins Uranus, energizing our senses. We might awaken from slumber feeling electrified, long-buried memories suddenly jarred into consciousness through our dreams. If we are compelled to some sort of action, we can take a calculated risk and see where our instincts lead us. The magic of the moment could be lost by over-planning, so trust your gut. Some important information may only be received by keeping our proverbial antennae raised and paying attention to environmental cues.

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At 11:14 a.m.: The moon is trine Mars

Late in the morning, the moon trines Mars in Virgo, a sign of easy action and accomplishment. There is little to stand in our way now as we endeavor our goals, which can have its pros and cons. Pros: success is virtually guaranteed to us, especially if we are nearing the finish line of a long, labor-intensive process. However, success may also come so easy now that we take it for granted, failing to see our work as a measure of true progress. Our attitude towards winning may be more mechanical. If failing is incomprehensible, the excitement of the moment’s victory can be deadened.

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