The Sky Today, April 22, 2022
At 08:13 AM: The moon is trine Mercury
In the morning, the Capricorn moon forms a trine to Mercury in Taurus, helping us to communicate our feelings. Although this meeting in earth signs suggests this will not be the most sentimental time, a blend of rationality and intuition can be employed to socialize or problem solve. Adopting a common-sense approach encourages others to defer to our judgment, making this an ideal influence to clear up misunderstandings, demonstrate step-by-step directions, or have another shadow us at work. Conversations clarify ambiguous subject matter and permit us to bluntly state our piece without coming off as overbearing and pushy.
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At 01:38 PM: The moon is sextile Neptune
In the early afternoon, the moon’s sextile to Neptune in Pisces facilitates extrasensory perception. We organically key into what people are thinking and feeling, allowing us to ingratiate ourselves to others by appealing to their emotions. This is not a day for bold, aggressive action, but for going with the flow. Something deeper within our subconscious steers our engagements. We can best use this influence for creative pursuits, especially those which involve writing or making art. It is easier now to ground abstract ideas into tangible form.
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