Sharon Sorenson column: Here's how to care for the hummingbirds in your yard
April marks the beginning of birds' frenetic spring activity, both in the sky and on the ground.
Area skies hosted certain early March migrants, namely shorebirds and waterfowl. Purple martins also began repopulating local colonies. Early migrating songbirds joined the morning chorus, including pine, yellow-throated, and black-throated blue warblers; eastern phoebes; blue-gray gnatcatchers; and barn, tree, and rough-winged swallows. Ospreys, common loons, and horned grebes graced area waters along with scores of loafing American white pelicans. Some moved on; others stayed.
Local news: Evansville has no shortage of nicknames. Eville, anyone? Stoplight City? Pocket City?
Now it's April, and with it come hummingbirds! As of this writing, ruby-throated hummingbirds are reported throughout Kentucky, Southern Illinois, and up into Central Indiana. (Watch daily reports online at
So hang nectar feeders now. Use one part sugar (cane sugar is preferable over beet sugar) to four parts water; boil to stop mold; cool and pour into clean feeders. Omit food coloring โ put red ON feeders but never IN feeders. Avoid additives, and avoid commercial nectars that include them. Avoid raw sugar, honey, or artificial sweeteners. Just sugar and water. Period. Then clean feeders and replace nectar every three days.
The first hummers to come through will be males, then females, both migrating farther north, perhaps as far as lower Canada, lingering here only a day or two to feed. Later, perhaps even into early May, "our" hummers arrive, the ones that will stay here to breed.
When they do arrive, they're here to tend to business. She's busy building a nest, breeding, laying and incubating eggs, so she has only rare moments to visit feeders, a few seconds at a time. He's busy attracting females and has only slight interest in feeding.
So don't let these minimal, speedy hummer feeder visits bring despair. Feeders won't be swarming until mid August through September, with lingering birds feeding well into October. But those that visit will, indeed, become dependent on your support. In short, don't start feeding if, for whatever reason, you can't tend to the cleaning and filling through October.
April also marks increased nest activity. Some species actually began chick-rearing in January. Owls and eagles laid eggs so early that now, in April, babies cry to be fed in the nursery.
Other April nesting events include wood ducks about to hatch. Woodies suffer a rather brutal introduction to the world; for within hours of breaking out of the shell, babies plop from their cavity nests into water (or onto the ground) and must immediately swim, run, or walk to keep up with mom and eat on their own. No cozy nest-time here.
Around the house: Prepare flower beds with several rounds of weed removal
Early April reports also note nesting red-shouldered hawks, bluebird nests with full clutches of five or six eggs, and Carolina wren nests now cradling clutches of four or so.
Other birds are only now beginning to nest while some are still showing off โ in song and action โ to attract mates and claim territory. A few birds are wrapping themselves in mate-catching plumage. Bet you've noticed: goldfinches have changed color. The bright summer breeding gold molted last October into winter muted olive. If a few weeks ago, however, you noticed seed feeders emptying more rapidly than usual, it was likely from molting goldfinches chowing down for the added energy necessary to produce new feathers. Gold is back!
For birds and birders, then, April brings excitement.
For more information about birds and bird habitat, see Sharon Sorenson's books How Birds Behave, Birds in the Yard Month by Month, and Planting Native to Attract Birds to Your Yard. Check her website at, follow daily bird activity on Facebook at SharonSorensonBirdLady, or email her at [email protected].
This article originally appeared on Evansville Courier & Press: Hummingbirds feeders in your yard need care; Sharon Sorenson column
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