Shark Vs. Surfer Carnage Continues in Australia with Latest Victim 'in Good Spirits'
On Tuesday, a surfer was bitten by a shark in Australia.
Murray Adams, the 64-year-old victim, was attacked on South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula while surfing Blacks, a spot notorious for shark sightings, according to locals. Amidst floods of media reports, it looks like the culprit was a great white shark.
Following the incident, Adams is reportedly “in good spirits.” As he was rolled into the hospital in Adelaide, Australia, the local math teacher flashed a thumbs up.
“It’s amazing,” witness to the attack, Troy Outtram, told 7News Australia. “I’m so grateful that he’s alive. I could see him waving his arms in the air, and then start screaming ‘shark, shark, shark!’ and telling me to get out of the water. But I think the shark must’ve bit him and felt the board, then it went off after that.”
After the bite, Outtram helped Adams to shore where they climbed the cliff to look for help.
“He starts going up,” recalled Outtram, “and I see these massive teeth marks and blood coming from his back…he was determined though.”
They made it to the hospital, and after emergency surgery to his leg, Adams is expected to make a full recovery.
“He wasn’t even phased,” said Geoff ‘Camel’ Gouldon, another surfer and local witness. “I don’t think he will be phased. He’ll be surfing again. That’s the sort of bloke he is.”
This attack is just the most recent amidst a spate of many in the region, including the tragic loss of 15-year-old Khai Cowley less than two weeks prior, and another schoolteacher who was killed while surfing back in May of last year.
Stay safe; stay vigilant.
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