Shark Attack Tragically Kills 15-Year-Old Surfer in South Australia

Tragic news has emerged from Australia.

A 15-year-old boy died from a shark attack today at a popular holiday and surfing beach in South Australia.

According to reports, the body was recovered from the water after the attack, near Ethel Beach in the Innes National Park on the Yorke Peninsula.

The BBC reported the story above today and captioned it:

"Teenage boy killed in Australia shark attack"

Meanwhile, the Daily Mail reported:

"The 'seriously injured' swimmer had his leg bitten off and was pulled from the water near Ethel Beach in the Innes National Park, on the Yorke Peninsula of South Australia, about 1.30 pm on Thursday.

"Witnesses said the attack on the 'talented' surfer played out in front of his horrified father.

"The shark took his leg, and so another local guy ran out, jumped on his board and paddled out to help him,' one local told the Adelaide Advertiser.

"The shark was circling them as the guy pulled the boy out of the water. There was a lot of blood.

"He brought him to shore but I think it was too late by then."

It is still unclear whether the young man was surfing when the attack occurred.

May he rest in peace.

The deadly attack follows other recent shark attacks in Australia.

On Christmas Day, a 16-year-old surfer was bitten by a great white shark on the thigh while surfing at Old Bar in New South Wales. On Christmas Eve, a shark mauled a windsurfer in Western Australia at Wedge Island. Both surfers were released in stable condition.


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