Your September Horoscope Is Here, Including A Guest Appearance From Mercury Retrograde
Sharpen your pencils, and break out all of your best gel pens because Virgo season is here to shake things up.
After a fiery AF summer with lots of Big Leo Energy—Leo season, Venus in Leo, iconic Leo Couple Jennifer Lopez, and Ben Affleck getting married, just to name a few—it’s time to cool down with some back-to-school energy courtesy of this crunchy-leaf-bringing earth sign.
But before you get too excited for sweater weather and PSLs... I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Mercury retrograde is back for her final parade of the year. Yes, Mercury, the planet that rules over communication, will go retrograde again, but this time in the sign of Libra. Libras like things fair and balanced, so that is the kind of energy you can expect from September 9 to October 1 as Mercury Rx does its thing, says Donna Page, a professional astrologer with a graduate degree in counseling psychology.
After the-astrological-event-that-shall-not-be-named on the 9th, the very next day, there's a dreamy full moon in Pisces. (And it's just in time for the weekend, too!) You may find yourself fantasizing about the future and really soaking up the beauty of these early autumn nights.
Fast forward to the 22nd when Libra energy will be at an all-time high as the sun enters the air sign. That energy will only increase on the 25th with the new moon in Libra. With the sun, moon, and Mercury all in this sign, peace, harmony, and major goddess vibes are sure to follow, says Page.
So what does all this mean for you? Ahead, Page shares her September horoscope predictions for every zodiac sign:
This month may have you pondering your daily routines, Aries. With both the sun and Venus in Virgo for most of the month, your day-to-day life is being highlighted. Does your schedule serve the one person that really matters? (Ahem, it's you!) Or have you been going through the motions of your work-wine-sleep-repeat routine just waiting for the right time to shake it up? If your answer is yes— consider this the moment you’ve been waiting for.
Jupiter, the planet all about expansion, is still in your sign this month, so you can expect a big ole push from the Universe to take a risk. Do you need to pull a Beyoncé and "release your job" and "release your wiggle"? Can’t say definitively, but the stars seem to be pointing toward yes!
Have you been listening to your intuition recently, Taurus? Because the answer to that question will reveal a lot about the month ahead. The focus is on your career right now, so if you’re feeling confident in your position, expect a fun-filled month with your buds, especially around the full moon on the 10th, which is in your house of friendship.
But if you’ve been ignoring those little whispers telling you you may want to seek a new position or ask for a raise? You can't afford to procrastinate any longer. It’s time to face the music and make the necessary career changes in order to keep progressing.
Gemini, you have what Ms. Taylor Swift calls a "big reputation," and it will be in the spotlight this September. With the full moon on the 10th entering the part of your chart that represents your public-facing persona, you may be feeling like a real celeb. But before you start really leaning into the Taylor theme and using suitcases to hide from the paparazzi, take a moment to reflect on how you are showing up in the world. If it’s public notoriety you crave, there is plenty of opportunity for it, but imagine your dream future first, then act second. With Mars, the planet of action, still in your sign, you’ll be feeling assertive AF, so whatever you want—you’re going to get it, one way or another!
You also may find yourself taking a good hard look at your space this month because it could be looking a little messy. It’s been a busy summer, so don’t be afraid to block off some time to get things back in order. Before you know it, your home life will feel as peaceful as possible.
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is still in a part of your chart representing your career path. It’s basically the stars' way of telling you to take a risk, Cancer. It is quite possible you are not loving this (in fact, maybe you’re hating it). Being a highly sensitive water sign, risky moves are tough for you, but know that the universe is on your side. The calculated career moves you’re making will pay off!
Stay open to learning opportunities this month because that may just be the way you receive a big piece of information that will help you in your career...
Change is coming, Leo, but don’t panic. Change can definitely be good! Since you just had your birthday, it’s time to level up in this new year of you.
Things will go smoothly as long as you go with the flow, which, let’s face it, is kind of hard for a fire sign. Try to stay grounded with yoga, meditation, and journaling this month. Even when it feels like the world is changing too quickly around you, you can always find peace in yourself.
It’s your birthday month, Virgo, so rejoice! With the sun and Venus in your sign, there's tons of positive energy surrounding you this month, so make sure to put yourself out there and share what’s on your mind.
This marks the beginning of a time in your life emphasizing communication and action. The first step may be networking and laying out a plan of action (and you love planning, so this will be great!), but then you just gotta take the plunge and go after what you want...
You may feel extra reflective this month, and there's a good reason for that, Libra. Mercury, the planet that rules over communication, goes retrograde in your sign on the 9th and will likely drudge up a lot of big questions. Take a beat to think about the past year of your life. Ask yourself: Who have you spent your time with? What have you accomplished? And what do you want to accomplish in the next year of your life?
This mental Mercury activity will allow you to enter your birth month clearly. When the sun enters Libra on the 22nd, and the new moon in Libra follows, you will be ready to step out and get sh*t done!
You may feel like you’re on the edge of a new beginning, Scorpio, and with your birthday month coming soon(ish)—you just might be right! While you may feel things start to shift in your personal and career life this September, it’s not a time for action. Instead, this is a great month for reflecting and expanding your network, whether that’s on LinkedIn or at a swanky office event you’d usually shy away from.
When the full moon in Pisces arrives on the 10th, you'll feel great because #WaterSigns. And with Mercury in retrograde, this is also a super important time to keep track of your dreams. It’s possible that your subliminal mind is telling you something, so keep notes and reflect on the year that passed!
Sag, work may be feeling a bit tedious lately, but you have to keep going. You're probably feeling like some of your tasks are "beneath" your skill level and, TBH, they might be. You didn't go to college just to enter names into a spreadsheet, that's for sure. But killing it with the little things is making someone's life easier, so don't lose focus on the big picture here. You are being noticed for your hard work, even if it doesn't feel like it.
When the full moon in Pisces comes on the 10th, you may be contemplating where you live. Ponder your dream house. If it's not in your town...maybe it's time to make some moves, literally. You could be in a Paris apartment by spring!
You are feeling the back-to-school energy extra hard this month, Cap, and lucky for you, there are more opportunities than ever to educate yourself. If there’s a certificate, a yoga teacher training, or maybe a full-on degree that you've been eyeing, it’s time to go for it.
Mercury is going retrograde in your house of career, so everything may seem a bit up in the air. But don't panic—this could be good for you. Pay close attention to the exchange of energy at work. If you have recently upgraded your resume with an educational pursuit, consider asking for a raise! You’re worth it.
Have you been tracking your finances, Aquarius? If not, you may want to download a budgeting app ASAP and carve out some time, especially around the full moon in Pisces, to take a closer look. This dreamy moon lands in your house of finances, so you'll be wondering what opportunities you can afford RN and which you need to save for. Ask yourself: What would I do if money was no object? Start to chase those goals!
Remember that opportunities can come to you in endless different ways, so just because you don’t have the cash to attend that important networking conference, there may be someone in your network who can sponsor you. Look out for dream opportunities because this is the perfect time to call them in.
Oh, and make sure you have fun this month, because we all need it! Whether it’s finally taking your friend up on the chance to see the fall foliage in their kayak or just taking a good old trip to the mall for the healing power of an Auntie Anne's pretzel, it’s important to make time for YOU!
This is your full moon month, and that is definitely something to celebrate. The energy from this lunar event will have all of the signs dreaming of the future this September, but especially you, Pisces. Take time to be alone and reflect on your wildest dreams. If you can visualize it, you may just be able to make it happen!
Your intuition and psychic abilities may be heightened this month with all this water and full moon energy, so make sure to take note of any good ideas you come up with in the shower or while you’re driving to work. It could be your next big thing...
Your September Horoscope Is Here, Including A Guest Appearance From Mercury Retrograde
Sharpen your pencils, and break out all of your best gel pens because Virgo season is here to shake things up.
After a fiery AF summer with lots of Big Leo Energy—Leo season, Venus in Leo, iconic Leo Couple Jennifer Lopez, and Ben Affleck getting married, just to name a few—it’s time to cool down with some back-to-school energy courtesy of this crunchy-leaf-bringing earth sign.
But before you get too excited for sweater weather and PSLs... I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Mercury retrograde is back for her final parade of the year. Yes, Mercury, the planet that rules over communication, will go retrograde again, but this time in the sign of Libra. Libras like things fair and balanced, so that is the kind of energy you can expect from September 9 to October 1 as Mercury Rx does its thing, says Donna Page, a professional astrologer with a graduate degree in counseling psychology.
After the-astrological-event-that-shall-not-be-named on the 9th, the very next day, there's a dreamy full moon in Pisces. (And it's just in time for the weekend, too!) You may find yourself fantasizing about the future and really soaking up the beauty of these early autumn nights.
Fast forward to the 22nd when Libra energy will be at an all-time high as the sun enters the air sign. That energy will only increase on the 25th with the new moon in Libra. With the sun, moon, and Mercury all in this sign, peace, harmony, and major goddess vibes are sure to follow, says Page.
So what does all this mean for you? Ahead, Page shares her September horoscope predictions for every zodiac sign:
Wondering what the stars have in store for you this month? A professional astrologer shares her September 2022 horoscope predictions for every zodiac sign.
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