Send These 50 Vacation Ideas to Your Group Text Immediately
Send These 50 Vacation Ideas to Your Group Text Immediately
If you’re reading this article right now, you’re either A) planning a trip with your crew or B) desperately in need of one. Either way you’ve come to the right place. Plus, everyone needs to live out their best movie montage lives at least once. Maybe even thrice?
This is why we’ve scoured the world (wide web) for the best spots to travel to on literally any budget. Bar-hopping in Brooklyn? Check. De-stressing in Hawaii? Hell yeah. Literally anything in Miami? Sure!
And if you can't wrangle your girls to take a trip right this second, don't sweat it. There are these two great things called ~manifesting~ and Pinterest you can use to keep these spots and this epic potential trip at the forefront of your mind—and your savings account.
So start the conversation NOW because the longer you sit hunched over at your desk without your best friends and a pi?a colada in your hand, the quicker the zombie apocalypse is going to happen. IDK, I don't make the rules.
Without further ado, here’s our possibly overwhelming list of one zillion locations for your handy-dandy reference. Pro-tip: send it to your group text immediately with tentative dates and watch your dream vacay unfold. Go forth! Live your best lives! Just don't forget to pack SPF or else I’ll yell at you.
No boys allowed, obviously.