Secret Bug Bites, Hormones, and Other Reasons Your Skin Won’t Stop Feeling Itchy

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From Prevention

Itchy skin can be stressful and frustrating: With or without a rash, your skin is trying to tell you something and, well, it can’t *quite* talk. Worse? Scratching (and the inflammation that comes with it) can dial up just how uncomfortable you feel, and there are tons of reasons for why you might be itching.

But figuring out why your itchy skin (medically known as chronic pruritus) is feeling unbearable in the first place is step one to treating the problem, says Alix J. Charles, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD).

Not sure what’s behind your annoyingly itchy skin? Here’s your guide to 10 of the most common culprits, according to dermatologists.

1. You're dehydrated.

Dry skin, also known as xerosis, is one of the most common causes of chronic itching, says Meghan Feely, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist in New Jersey and New York City who serves as a clinical instructor at Mount Sinai’s Department of Dermatology.

This can simply come down to genetics, colder weather, or even getting older. If you’re a frequent swimmer, take piping-hot baths or showers, or have a baby on the way (or, conversely, are going through menopause), you might be even itchier.

Using moisturizing body lotion and face cream can soothe itching because it rehydrates your skin, says Melissa Kanchanapoomi Levin, MD, a Manhattan-based board-certified dermatologist and founder of Entière Dermatology. If that doesn’t offer relief, head to the derm for a closer evaluation.

2. An untreated skin condition could be to blame.

If your itchy skin also comes with a gnarly flush of red, scaly skin and the need to scratch is even worse at night, you could be dealing with a chronic skin condition such as psoriasis (which is linked to inflammation caused by your immune system) or eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis). Fortunately, there are a number of treatments available for both conditions, including OTC products, prescription topical creams, oral or injectable medications, and phototherapy, which targets irritated skin with UV rays, says Dr. Kanchanapoomi Levin.

3. ...or an allergic reaction may be the culprit.

If you bought ultra-fragrant fabric softener, swam too close to baby jellies, or just recently developed an allergy (yep, that happens), itching can crop up—it is a common response to allergens.

If you’re only mildly itchy, ID your trigger, cut contact, and take an antihistamine like Allegra or Zyrtec which quiets your body’s itch-inducing histamine response, says Dr. Kanchanapoomi Levin. If you can’t stop scratching, head to the derm. Chronic itchy skin and hives could be a sign of a more serious issue, like infections or illnesses.

4. You recently started new meds or upped your dose.

If you just had your wisdom teeth out and were prescribed an opioid or you’re on meds for high blood pressure, the pills you’re taking could be to blame for your incessant itch. If you’re noticing itchy skin as a potential side effect of a medication, talk to your doctor—adjusting your dose, checking for medication interactions, or trying anti-itch meds can help, says Dr. Charles.

5. Your mental health needs some TLC.

The reason for your itch isn’t always on the surface of your skin. If you’re super stressed out, depressed, or anxious, a chemical stream of serotonin and norepinephrine could be triggering your itch, especially if there’s no rash, says Dr. Charles. If you’ve tried OTC anti-itch remedies (read: moisturizing, antihistamines, the likes) and you still can’t find relief, head to the doc for proper ID and treatment (sometimes, antidepressants can help).

6. Your hormones are in flux.

Hormonal fluctuations can have potent effects, including relentlessly itchy skin, says Dr. Charles. For example, if you’re breastfeeding or if you’re going through menopause, you might have lower-than-usual levels of estrogen, which can have a cascade of bodily effects including itching. Avoiding strong soaps and detergents and regular moisturizing can help soothe discomfort, per the AAD, but if you’re still miserably itchy, don’t go it alone—head to the doc to make sure there’s not a deeper cause at play.

7. You're pregnant.

Dry skin and an ever-expanding belly often exacerbate itchy skin for expectant moms (*buys all the belly oil*), but severe, rashless itching on your palms, the soles of your feet, and on your torso could indicate intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP), a condition where your liver function is disrupted by a temporary build-up of bile, per the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The itch tends to crop up in your third trimester and can cause complications, so if you notice this kind of localized itching, be sure to bring it up with your OB/GYN.

8. You have a bug bite (or several) somewhere.

Chances are you’ve survived lice at some point in your childhood and that you can easily ID a mosquito bite. But bites from fleas, bed bugs, scabies, and other creepy crawlers might come as a surprise (sometimes their bites are so teeny they don’t show up for weeks—but the itching can be relentless and contagious).

When any type of bug bites you, it has the potential to inject foreign substances into your body, which your immune system will attack with histamine, a compound that spurs the itch.

To stop the scratching, think back to where you’ve been recently: hiking through tall grasses, sleeping in an old hotel bed, cuddling up with your newly-adopted pup? Then, get rid of the source if necessary, apply antiseptic creams or lotions, and take an OTC antihistamine like Benadryl, suggests Melanie Grossman, MD, a New York City-based board-certified dermatologist.

9. Your nerves are going haywire.

Neuropathic itch, caused by nerve damage, is rare but can happen when your nervous system perceives an itch that isn’t really there, says Dr. Charles. Often, this itch is rashless and accompanied by pain, numbness, and tingling, per the AAD. The culprits are many and include a pinched nerve, burn injury, or complications of shingles, stroke, or multiple sclerosis. If you think this is to blame, it’s best to inform your doctor to find out what’s going on.

10. Something else is going on, and your body is trying to let you know.

While rare, sometimes itchy skin can serve as an alarm bell for deeper health conditions. “Long-standing itch without a rash can be a sign of systemic conditions such as blood conditions, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, infections such as Hepatitis B or C, HIV, or an overactive thyroid gland,” says Dr. Kanchanapoomi Levin.

Other times, it might also signal skin cancer (if a skin lesion is changing, won’t heal, and hurts or itches) or blood cancer (especially if you’re dealing with a mysterious fever, night sweats, and unexpected weight loss). If you’re truly unsure what’s to blame for your itch, it’s important to have your doctor weigh in to rule out something serious and find the appropriate treatment.

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