Scott Disick and Sofia Richie Would Rather Have a Baby Than Get Engaged, Allegedly

If any of you are still secretly hoping that Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian will get back together someday, you might want to grab a box of tissues, because he's apparently "extremely serious" with Sofia Richie.
Even though they're not really looking to get married anytime soon, they're super focused on family, according to a source who spoke with Us Weekly. “It’s more likely that she gets pregnant before they get engaged,” the source said.
A post shared by Sofia Richie (@sofiarichie) on Dec 14, 2018 at 4:27am PST
Impressively enough, Sofia, Scott, and Kourtney all get along really well. They went on two different vacations together in one month. Sofia not only joined the entire Kardashian family in Aspen over the new year, but on a beach vacation right before that.
What more can a guy ask for. THREE’S COMPANY
A post shared by Scott Disick (@letthelordbewithyou) on Dec 23, 2018 at 6:44pm PST
Maybe the most mature photo ever to grace this earth. Okay, looks like all is well in Scott/Sofia land!
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