Score a Free Workout Today to Fight Off the Mood-Dulling Effects of ‘Blue Monday’

Is today really the most depressing day of the year? Some people think so, and thus, the phrase “Blue Monday” was born.
The term, which, according to the BBC, was coined by a psychologist in a press release for a British travel agency, is used to describe the third Monday in January. It’s “blue” due to a combination of factors, like the weather, the amount of debt left a person has after the holidays, their ability to pay it off, waning levels of motivation, and how quickly New Year’s resolutions fall by the wayside.
So, while it may not be an exact science, feeling blah certainly can happen during these cold, dreary months.
Planet Fitness is here to help combat that, and to help you get back on track with your fitness goals. Planet Fitness gyms across the nation are opening their doors for free on Blue Monday to anyone (members and nonmembers, as long as you are 18 or older) trying to kick the winter blues.
“At Planet Fitness, we recognize and celebrate the many benefits of regular physical activity on our members’ health both physically and mentally,” said Brian Zehetner, director of health and fitness for Planet Fitness in a news release.
There is a strong research backing for breaking a sweat to break a bad mood. In fact, a recent study found that pumping iron can help fight anxiety and boost your mood. It also has been proven that the good mood prompted by exercise (think endorphins) will encourage you to continue on with it.
[Build strength and lose weight with theThe 28-Day Fat Torch, a muscle-pumping workout that burns up to 26 calories per-minute!]
To get your sweat on for free at Planet Fitness, all you need is a valid photo I.D. You can locate your nearest club here.
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