When Is It Safe To Be Around Someone Who Has Recovered From COVID?
You might be able to hang out again sooner than you think, depending on a few factors.
Medically reviewed by Jordana Haber Hazan, MD
Chances are, if you don't already, you will know someone who has had COVID-19. If they're in your inner circle, it raises a question: When is it safe to be around someone who has had COVID? The answer depends on a few factors.
You have to be aware of the health and immunity of the person you want to visit, yourself, and those in your household. It's also essential to ensure the person has fully recovered and is not exhibiting COVID symptoms. Here's what you need to know.
Consider Your Health
Knowing your health status is one essential part of avoiding a COVID infection. It's not safe to visit someone if you're sick—especially if you think you have an unconfirmed case of COVID.
It can also be worth waiting a little longer to visit someone who's had COVID if any of the following are applicable to you:
Immunocompromised status or a weakened immune system
Older age
Underlying health conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), diabetes, or obesity
These factors put a person at a higher risk of getting very sick from COVID.
Think About Your Household's Health
Though you may not have a higher risk of getting very sick yourself, you can help protect those living with you. Postponing your visit or interactions with someone who's had COVID can be beneficial if anyone in your household has any of the above risk factors.
Determine if They Still Have Symptoms
Even when a person follows isolation protocol, they may still experience symptoms. In those cases, you'll need to avoid contact until they no longer have to stay home to quarantine. Ending isolation requires that they see an improvement in their symptoms and don't have a fever for a full day without using medications.
Of note, some people who have had COVID—regardless of its severity—will experience new or ongoing symptoms that last weeks, months, or even years.
These lingering symptoms may include difficulty breathing, fatigue, or persistent cough or headache, William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease specialist and professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, told Health.
"That doesn't mean they're contagious," said Dr. Schaffner. "Some people just take longer to restore themselves to physical well-being."
Take Precautions
Even if the person has ended isolation and is not showing symptoms, you should continue preventative measures against spreading COVID. They include:
Engaging in handwashing hygiene and social distancing
Improving ventilation by opening windows if indoors
Meeting people outside
Wearing an appropriate, high-quality mask correctly
When someone finally feels well enough to be around people again, consider their comfort levels about being in public—and yours about being around them. It's a good idea to at least talk about your comfort levels in advance, said Dr. Schaffner.
"Some people are going to be a little extra careful for a while, and there is nothing wrong with that as long as the former patient knows that you're being a little extra careful," said Dr. Schaffner.
Finally, wait to spend close contact with a friend or family member with a weakened immune system until they've been given the okay from a healthcare provider. Anyone in this group exposed to COVID—or tests positive—may need to isolate for up to 20 days.
Follow CDC Guidelines
Whatever the case, you'll want to ensure you follow guidelines based on a positive COVID test or exposure to SARS-CoV-2.
When You Have a Positive Test
If you test positive for COVID or develop symptoms—regardless of vaccination status—you should quarantine for at least five days and isolate yourself from others in your home. It's important to follow the most up-to-date CDC guidelines.
Wear a mask if and when you must be around others in your home. You can end isolation after five full days following your positive COVID test or onset of symptoms under the following conditions:
You have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication.
Your symptoms are improving.
You can end isolation after five days with a positive test and no symptoms. You should still take precautions through day 10 by wearing a mask around other people in your home and while out in public. Also, avoid travel until 10 days have passed.
When You Have Been Exposed to COVID
If you were exposed to COVID and are up-to-date on your vaccinations or had COVID, you do not have to quarantine. Watch for symptoms until 10 full days have passed since your exposure, and wear a mask for those 10 days when you're around other people at home or in public.
A five-day quarantine is necessary for individuals not up-to-date on vaccines (including those not vaccinated at all, never having the virus, or having had it more than 90 days ago) with COVID exposure.
During the five days of quarantine, you should wear a mask around others in your home and get tested at least five days after your exposure, whether you develop symptoms or not. Masks and travel avoidance are recommended after day 10 since exposure.
A Quick Review
When it's safe to be around someone who has had COVID depends on your health, the health of those in your household, and if the person still shows COVID symptoms. However, the timing may be anywhere between 10 and 20 days.
If you decide to visit the person or prefer to wait, you can still help prevent any further infections by meeting people outside and social distancing. Also, remember to follow CDC isolation guidelines if you become sick with COVID.
The information in this story is accurate as of press time. However, as the situation surrounding COVID continues to evolve, it's possible that some data have changed since publication. While Health is trying to keep our stories as up-to-date as possible, we also encourage readers to stay informed on news and recommendations for their own communities by using the CDC, WHO, and their local public health department as resources.
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