Runner’s World+ Member: William Jordan
William is a Runner’s World+ member. Join him and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print.
I started running because I was out of shape. The better shape I got in the farther I could go. Then I wanted to see how far I could go—I ran a weekly 5K which turned into a weekly 10K and then I had this crazy idea: I wonder if I could run double digits? I had runner’s high finishing my first half marathon, a distance unspeakable at one point in my life. However, the crazy didn’t stop there. I never dreamed of running a marathon until I went to watch one. I saw people of all shapes and sizes, and they gave me the encouragement that “I could do this”. A year later, it wasn’t pretty, but I limped across the LA Marathon finish line, and now I’m a marathoner!
I love seeing the progress from consistent hard work. Running brings new challenges and rewards at every level. I was once bigger and immobile. I know that humbling feeling of I can’t to now feeling fit and fast. Running is a superpower we all possess just waiting for us to tap into! I run now to see what I can become, chasing a sub-3 marathon.
I love hearing about other runners and all the new information on running. It keeps the fire burning.
It’s a feel good sport. You complete a run, and you can feel good about getting in shape. Buy new gear and you’ll look good which makes you feel good. Knowing that your consistency will make you better—it’s all positive vibes!
The boardwalk along Santa Monica. I’m originally from Ohio so seeing the coast is always a beautiful sight. You’ve literally gone as far as you can go west.
My Garmin 945! The training feedback is everything a numbers person could want, it’s the best bang for the buck.
I got my minor in accounting. I like numbers. So I love putting together training plans and mapping the process out and looking at the data for feedback.
Qualify for Boston, running a marathon in 2:56.
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