How to Remove Scalp Buildup Naturally
You're good to your hair (#commercialgoals). And yet, somehow, your scalp feels itchy with these—dare we say?—chunks. Nope, it's not dandruff. If you’ve ever experienced gross, gunky product build-up on your head, you’re not alone. Here, an easy way to get rid of it using something in your kitchen.
What you need:
A tablespoon of lemon or lime juice and 3 cups of water.
What you do:
Combine the juice with water and take it with you into the bathroom. After you rinse out your shampoo, pour the mixture onto your scalp. (Be careful not to get it near your eyes.) Wait a few minutes, then rinse out the solution and follow with conditioner (since the solution can be a tiny bit drying).
Why it works:
The acidity of the citrus cuts through any of that gunky, dried-up product, leaving you flake-free and squeaky-clean.
So, when life gives you lemons?
Easy. Just squeeze them over your head.
RELATED: Dry Shampoo Lovers: You Should Be Exfoliating Your Scalp (Here’s How)
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