A reason to connect: Logansport Pride brings local LGBTQ+ community together
Despite only existing for about a month, Logansport Pride has already seen lots of support from the community, with the group recently hitting over 1,000 followers on Facebook.
Logansport Pride looks to provide a safe place, both online and in person, for the LGBTQ+ community and allies, said Josh Weber, CEO and treasurer of Logansport Pride. They also target the non-LGBTQ+ community, as he said they seek to inform people and make them knowledgeable that they are there and are looking for equality.
As of now, they are a community organization, Weber said. While they technically have a small board, they are not giving official titles until they become a 501c3, he said.
“We’re kind of giving titles, kind of not, we’re just kind of seeing how active people are and then once we file as a 501c3, that’s when you have to have a board and give the positions,” Weber said. “So really, we’re trying to stay away from that as much as possible, the title giving, until it is that time, because once you make that 501c3, you are locked in. Right now, our main goal is just [to] gain outreach and get people knowledgeable that we are here.”
Weber, who is also the owner of Logansport Skate World & Fun Center, said he initially came from Columbus, Ohio, where he said he took the acceptance he saw there for granted. After seeing the aversion surrounding the family friendly drag show in May, he realized the LGBTQ+ population in Logansport did not have a voice or a reason to come together, connect and feel accepted as a community.
“So, I just wanted to provide that for them, even though [I]... got a lot going on, you know, I’m happy to donate the little time that I do have to the people, and to give them that reason to organize and have consistent events and just to feel accepted,” Weber said.
The group met Sunday for a small meeting to discuss strengthening their volunteer base and plan for upcoming events. They previously hosted a social at the skate center, which Weber said saw a good turnout, and have also held events at Stan’s Bar and Grill and MistHaven Camping Resort, both in Peru.
At the meeting, Weber handed out flyers to attendees to spread the word about Logansport Pride. They also discussed ideas for future events like picnics, shows at the State Theater and movie nights at Mary Max Cinemas, and an upcoming volunteer opportunity with the Peru Pride Festival on Aug. 3.
“We’re a big supporter of [the Peru Pride Festival]. We aren’t quite to this point of talking about a festival here in Logansport,” Weber said. “We’re just trying to get consistent events going and gain outreach, getting followers as in people or businesses.”
Weber hopes to volunteer in the community, like at the Cass County Humane Society, to get the group’s name out there and get involved. Although they are not a 501c3, Weber said they do collect donations and sponsorships, and they also have businesses that support them like The Lantern, Savini Comics, Plant Therapy LLC and Fulcrum Barbershop.
“And there’s a lot of others too, we have the Methodist church in Royal Center, they’re big supporters and we’ve just been starting reaching out to businesses,” Weber said. “I’ve just reached out to Mary Max, the Science Project, talked about doing speed dating for LGBTQ+, and we just have a lot of support, honestly. It’s been really amazing.”
The group’s main goal, Weber said, is to secure a location downtown for an annual pride festival, and he said they already have support from a few city officials. With Logansport Pride, he hopes to bring togetherness, a sense of community, to make people feel accepted and to create consistent events in and outside of town.
“Pretty much, I just want to create that platform and just kind of what we’re doing already, just have it keep growing. I think we’ve already established quite a strong platform, lots of followers, we’ve already got events going,” Weber said. “We have a partnership with Peru Pride, we have a partnership with Stand Up Cass County. I mean, we’ve got so many people that are willing to be a part of it and even in a small, rural town, Logansport, Indiana, to have this much support going on, it’s great to see. And then the more [that] jump on board, I think the more that will follow, I think it’s just getting those first few on board.”
To get involved with Logansport Pride, follow or message them on Facebook (www.facebook.com/logansportcasspride/), on Instagram or message Logansport Skate World & Fun Center on Facebook. The group also has a CashApp account and sells Logansport Pride t-shirts for $30 at the skate center. Weber said they will take however much one is willing to donate or put time into.
“... there’s so much opportunity out there, even though we are fresh and we’re new and we’re just now still starting to build these events,” Weber said. “We’ve had so many people come up... and say, ‘hey, I want to be a part of this.’ And there’s more and more every day.”