Mom says daughters were expelled from school because pastor accused her of 'committing adultery'

A mother said an Ohio private school expelled her daughters because an administrator accused her of “committing adultery.”
Summer Grant, the mother of the second- and fourth-grade students, told Cleveland, Ohio, news station WKYC that Pastor John Wilson, of Chapel Hill Christian School in Cuyahoga Falls informed her on Friday that her children were no longer welcome at the school.
According to a Facebook post, the mother had no warning of the expulsion. The students have only thirty days left in the school year, and the school had already accepted their scholarship money for the year. Additionally, enrolling the young girls into public school means they would lose their scholarship.
Grant’s children, Summara and Summaia, attended their last day at Chapel Hill Christian School on the same day she received the news.
"[Pastor Wilson] said it was many reasons and the main one was because I was not married and my children had different fathers,” Grant told the outlet. Grant has lived with her partner for five years, for the entire time her children attended the school.
Grant recorded, in part, her conversation with Pastor Wilson. In the recording, Wilson informs Grant that she violated the school's covenant by having kids with different fathers and living with a man without being married.
"There's ten commandments and committing adultery is not part of that,” Pastor Wilson is heard saying in the recording. “It’s not that they should not go to the school, it's that they can't go to the school.”
According to Grant’s Facebook post, her daughters received A's and B's throughout their school years and were rarely in trouble. Recently, the girls were part of a misunderstanding with a bus driver the previous week, in which one of the girls was told to sit in the front as she could not hear her name being called.
"My child informed [the bus driver] she could not hear him over the other children talking. She did as she was told [and] moved up to the front of the bus. He then refused to open the bus doors not allowing them off at their stop, asking my daughters repeatedly 'do you hear me now' until they responded. My oldest said yes to get off the bus. She got off the bus got into the car crying," Grant wrote.
She said that the next day, she put them on the bus as usual, when the driver flagged her down. She asked her children to sit up front and allegedly told the driver, "I would appreciate if he would stop picking on my child and take them to school." This led to a confrontation between the driver and Grant, in which the police were called; however, Pastor Wilson allegedly informed her the bus situation had little to do with his decision.
Chapel Hill Christian School provided a statement to WYKC on the incident.
"Chapel Hill Christian School parents sign a written agreement to conduct themselves in accordance with expressed guidelines of conduct. These policies include, but are not limited to, behavior that relates to the physical safety of our students."
Pastor Wilson did not immediately respond to Yahoo Lifestyle’s requests for comment, or to requests to obtain the agreement parents sign, along with the guidelines of conduct expected of a parent.
Grant said now, her children have no school to attend.
“As Christian you are not supposed to judge,” Grant said. “You shouldn’t have affected these kids education over that."
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