Poor Beyoncé Got Stranded and Had to Be Rescued
Mehera Bonner
Photo credit: YouTube
Honestly, you'd think the stages of the world would know better than to mess with Beyoncé, but apparently the OTR II stage was like "LOL, sorry" and left her stranded in Warsaw.
BASICALLY, a moving stage malfunctioned towards the end of the show, leaving Beyoncé trapped with no way of getting down to the proper stage below. In a video taken by a fan, a nervous-seeming Queen Bey can be seen talking to stage hands, before they eventually convince her to climb down a ladder.
Here are some longer looks at the moment, becuase you KNOW fans were all over this.
WOW, leave it up to Bey to be flawless even when refusing to climb down a ladder. What a legend.
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