Plucky jays begin prep for winter
Though irregular and unpredictable in their habits and appearances from year to year, Woodhouse’s (formerly called western) scrub-jays have distinctive and easily recognizable vocalizations. Last year, when a few of the handsome and spunky birds wintered in our yard and vicinity, they didn’t appear until late October, but this year my husband and I heard their signature screechy call notes the first week of September.
Since then, we’ve noted at least three birds in the neighborhood and several more along the adjacent Rio Grande floodplain, all busily gathering nuts and typically carrying them across the river, presumably to bury and cache away for winter stores. In our yard they’ve been eagerly snapping up ripe acorns, from live oak, Emory oak, Chinquapin oak, and turbinella oak trees, while up and down the floodplain birds are mostly carting off pecans from nearby orchards.
Although jays feed on a wide variety of other foods, including many types of seeds, berries, insects and small vertebrates, these nut caches are vital to their winter survival. Even so, not all are retrieved by the time the birds depart for nesting grounds in the spring. If we received ample and more consistent precipitation, we might see pecan seedlings sprouting on the sandy mesas from some of the untapped seed stores!
During the breeding season, Woodhouse’s scrub-jays typically dwell in oak-pinyon-juniper habitats in the lower elevations of western mountains, including sometimes the Organ Mountains. While they often move down mountain to spend the winter, every so often they move well beyond their usual home ranges and pop up in well-treed yards and neighborhoods. Biologists believe these irruptions are due to years of poor acorn production, causing the birds to look for better conditions elsewhere.
The recent sightings of groups of pinyon jays in the Organ Mountains, reported from Indian Hollow and Soledad Canyon, indicate that a crash in acorn and cone crops is likely responsible for these birds dispersing beyond their usual ranges as well. While we might expect to see scrub-jays here and there around town every two to three years, and perhaps a Steller’s jay or two every five to six years, pinyon jays are relatively rare, and seen maybe once a decade. I last noted one heard-only bird in our yard a couple years ago, with just one or two others encountered in the two decades we’ve lived here.
So, to see a group of pinyon jays had to have been quite a memorable treat for the observers. Though they are a paler blue than their cousins, they are still striking birds, and they have a distinctive, clear-whistled, two-note call. They are typically homebodies, staying within the same range all year, but when pine cone crops fail they may range widely searching for better winter feeding opportunities.
The closest permanent populations, which are at the southern extent of the pinyon jay’s usual range, are in the Black Range and Sacramento Mountains, but they occur as far north as Montana and west into Nevada and southeastern California. Given the catastrophic fires that completely scorched many forested areas, just in New Mexico, along with our prolonged and extraordinary drought, it’s not hard to imagine that conditions must have deteriorated in a great many places and forced jays and many other types of birds to pull out the stops in search of food resources.
As fall progresses, we may yet see some Steller’s jays, with their harlequin faces and raspy calls, if their high mountain habitats have been similarly degraded by fire and/or drought such that they are forced to look elsewhere for winter food. I admire and always enjoy seeing any of these handsome and boisterous jay species, but at the same time, I know that the reasons they are here likely don’t bode well for the future.
More Naturally Speaking:
Marcy Scott is a local birder, botanizer, and author of "Hummingbird Plants of the Southwest." Along with her husband, Jimmy Zabriskie, she operates Robledo Vista Nursery in the North Valley,, specializing in native and adapted plants for birds and wildlife habitat. She can be reached at [email protected].
This article originally appeared on Las Cruces Sun-News: Naturally Speaking: Plucky jays begin prep for winter
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