The North Shore of Oahu was smashed by swell this past weekend and while Maui was the star of the swell show on Black Friday, there were moments of brilliance out at Pipeline and the outer reefs of Oahu. Early Saturday morning the ocean was groomed and the general consensus was that Pipeline was going to put on a show in the afternoon hours. As the day progressed, though, a reinforcement of swell filled in and turned most surfers into ocean spectators for the rest of the afternoon. There were amazing waves when the sets weren’t washing through and it took most surfers who did brave the conditions hours to only ride a few waves. The swell lingered for days and allowed some surfers to warm up for the Pipeline Masters.
Saturday evening at the Banzai Pipeline was quite a show with a surreal display of consistent swell energy. There was an hour-and-a-half window where there were no breaks in the sets, just one after the other. Strong offshore winds made it visually stunning and a combination of swells made for some peaky waves.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
As good as offshore winds are for photographs they are another hurdle for surfers to overcome when the swells get serious. Here’s an unidentified surfer trying to push themselves over the ledge at Pipeline.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
Further south, Keiki shorebreak was putting on its own show during sunset.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
A familiar face out at OTW, Keahi De Aboitiz comes in from an early morning surf.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
Although the offshores were strong throughout Saturday, the swell was mixed and created some dramatic lineups. This unidentified bodyboarder is dropping in at Pipe while a large set breaks behind him at Rockpiles and to the inside of him, a wave is breaking on the Gums sandbar.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
Faces of Pipeline: Joey Johnston, Benji Brand, Nathan Florence and Makana Pang.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
Pipeline can be an extremely difficult wave to paddle out to when large swells hit Hawaii. Most surfers hop in the water directly in front of Backdoor and immediately get swept north towards Ehukai Beach. Depending on the swell direction, size, and sandbars, surfers may get caught on the inside of some very powerful and shallow waves. Pictured here is Gavin Beschen, just clear of the aforementioned powerful waves of Ehukai exploding behind him.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
It wasn't easy or classic Pipeline by any means. In between wash-throughs, Andrew Jacobson picks off a clean(ish) set wave.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
E?welei?ula Wong navigates a Backdoor barrel as the swell shrunk down to a more friendly size.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
Benji Brand was the standout on Saturday, successfully threading a few Pipeline tubes.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
Pipeline, looking more approachable from the view 300 meters above sea level.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
Massive waves hit the shoreline of the North Shore at sunset.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
Sophie Bell and Alyssa Spencer timing their paddle out.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
Justin Quintal, swimming in after breaking his board out at Pipeline.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
Makai McNamara straightening out in hopes of avoiding a Pipeline guillotine.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
Jesse Johnson, weaving his way through a Backdoor Pipeline tube.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
For as long as I can remember, Tyler Newton has been a standout on the North Shore and a surfer willing to sit at huge and unruly Off The Wall. Sunday morning the waves were still large at Pipe but the energy was more focused at OTW. Tyler surfed alone and managed to snag a few of these incredible waves.
Ryan "Chachi" Craig
A diamond in the rough out at Pipeline with more green water than usual from all the rain.