Photographer's Unique Images of Cats on a Glass Table Are Silly and Sweet
The video of the images has over 26 million views.
It never ceases to amaze us over how many pet owners are just so talented and clever with the ideas they come up with for taking photos of their furry friends. Sure, we all love to see a perfectly staged pet portrait but there's something so fantastic about catching your pet looking totally goofy and silly with their personality shining through.
Amazingly talented pet photographer @FurryFritz posted the following video to their TikTok of cats posing on a glass table. It'll make you want to break out the catnip!
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The photos are just incredible! TikTok user @Calvyn has a very important question about all that's going on in this video and asks, "So hypothetically speaking, if I spray catnip on myself, will it make cats want to approach me?" Viewer @Sprout adds, "On my way to message my husband that I think a glass table might look nice in the house with no other context." And @Avalucats hilariously types, "Thank God, I was worried I wouldn't have plans on a Friday night."
Yup, that's your cue! Grab your cat, some catnip, a glass table and get to snapping pics. We'd love to see it!
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