People Are Sharing The Wildest, Coolest, And Weirdest Things They’ve Found In School Yearbooks, And Wow, Wow, WOW

1.This school for the blind's physical yearbook with everything written in Braille and face molds that students can touch:

Yearbook for a school for the blind

2.This "scool's" yearbook:

A "scool" yearbook

3.These school pictures that will forever commemorate the joys of online learning ??:

Yearbook photos without photos

4.And speaking of 2020, this school paid a tribute to their athletic season:

Photos of sports fields without players

5.This yearbook that made ample use of its margin:

Big margins on a yearbook page

6.This heartwarming note from this guy to his future wife ????:

"I'm not going to pretend like I care: fuck you"

7.This democratic band ranking circa 2001:

A list of bands in a yearbook

8.This advisor with an unfortunately mockable name:

Mr. Coke, head

9.These two ??:

Bailey Austin next to Austin Bailey

10.This yearbook that included a picture of Michael Scott as some sort of Easter egg, I suppose:

Michael Scott in a yearbook

11.This yearbook that serves as a pressed flower time capsule:

Pressed flowers in a yearbook

12.These students' last names that are German, I think?

jpg as a last name

13.This page of polls that is, to quote this person's mom, "so stupid":

"This page is so stupid!"

14.This "congratulations" ad that said all there was to say and more, I fear:

"You have crushed your enemies and seen them driven before you!"

15.This hidden gem:

Gum taped into a yearbook

16.And lastly, this principal's quote that perfectly sums up principaling:

"This is not the mall."