21 Things People Do Every Day That Others Secretly Judge Them For
6 min read
A little while ago, I rounded up responses to this viral Reddit thread that asked, "What's something you silently judge others for?"
And it turns out the judgment doesn't stop there! Hundreds of people from the BuzzFeed Community flooded the comments with even more things that make them do the side-eye. Here's just a small handful of their responses:
1."I judge people who take their dog to the grocery store and just leave them alone in the car. If you're just popping in for something quick as you're taking your dog someplace else, fine, but just letting the dog sit there waiting sadly, or barking at passersby, or panting in the heat is not doing them any favors. The dog is not enjoying it."
2."People who park at the gas pump! Fueled up? Move to a parking spot after you're fueled. Can't multitask? Finish your phone conversation before pulling up to the pumps."
Artit Fongfung / Getty Images/EyeEm
3."I hate when parents bring their small kids into a bar, even if it has a restaurant. It's just not a good look to have your kids around a bunch of drinking adults. Especially if the parents are drinking. Who is driving those kids home? Your days of beer and football Sundays at the bar are over. Sorry."
4."Spitting in public. I mostly see men do this, and it's super gross."
5."People who feel the need to brag about their good deeds in person and on social media."
6."People who put their blinker on AFTER they get in the turning lane or when they are already mid-turn. Just don’t even use it at that point."
7."Allowing your child to scream or run around places they shouldn’t — i.e., an airplane, a restaurant, a store, etc. I get that kids will be kids, but as a parent you should at least attempt to calm/control them. Not sit back and act like nothing is wrong."
8."I don’t like when people come in right before a business closes and just leisurely stroll around with their cart. If you tried to get there on time and you quickly grab your stuff and go, I won’t mind. Things happens to all of us. But, if you’re being rude about it and disrespecting an employee’s time, then you kinda suck."
9."I judge people who have their car radios turned up high and the bass high. I don’t need to hear the song from the car next to me over my music. And I certainly don’t need to feel your music from a block away."
10."People who talk/use their phones/are generally annoying in movie theaters. I noticed such a difference after the height of the pandemic. It's like people forget they aren't at home anymore! It's gotten so bad that my husband and I almost don't bother anymore. Especially on weekends during peak hours. It's not worth it to pay that much money and have to ask groups of people to stop talking. Or, have the light of some toddler's tablet (at any adult movie) distract us. It's a minor gripe in the grand scheme of things, but damn, it takes away from the magic of movies."
11."Loud motorcycles. Who are you trying to impress?"
Rainer Fuhrmann / Getty Images/EyeEm
12."People who don’t put their items back in the right places! I’ve literally been clothes shopping in Target and found packs of meat or milk in the clothing department. You just wasted food because you were too lazy to walk back to that section."
13."People who take up more than one seat on public transport, either because of their bags or because they intentionally sit on the aisle seat."
14."Standing in doorways. People park themselves in a doorway, usually deep in conversation. When you do that, you’re keeping people on both sides of the door from moving freely. If you’re going to do this, at least look around every once in a while and make sure there’s not someone waiting to come through."
15."I'm taking college classes, and there's a special place in hell for pen clickers. The ones that sit there for an entire hour-long lecture and just click their pen open and closed as fast as they can. Get a fidget toy! Bring a stress ball! Don't distract everyone within a 10-seat radius around you with that noise. They have tools for you to quietly get the fidgets out, as I understand it is necessary for some. But it's also necessary for others to have a low-distraction environment, and that should be equally honored."
16."People who call a business and ask for someone by just their first name. I worked as a receptionist with over 500 employees, and my blood would boil when someone called and asked to speak to 'John.' WHICH ONE??? I have 14 Johns here!"
17."People who say they hate drama. If you have to tell me 'hate drama' or 'don’t do drama' unprompted, then I’m 99% positive you are the drama."
18."One of my pet peeves is when able-bodied people drive around for 15 minutes to find a parking spot 5 feet closer than the one they found first. I don't notice it when strangers do it, and wouldn't judge them anyway because I don't know their business. But I have a couple friends and relatives who do this, and knowing that it's just out of laziness bothers me. Like, it would've taken a third of the time to just park in the back and walk to the door."
19."People who think the height of hilarity is to drive by someone walking and either yell, honk their horn, or both. You suck."
Sean Murphy / Getty Images
20."When the person ordering at a drive-thru isn't polite. How hard is it to say 'please' and 'thank you'? Instead, it's always barking out their order with, 'give me a...'"
21.And finally, "People leaving less than a 20% tip."
Owen Franken / Getty Images
Is there a behavior that flips on your judging switch? Tell us in the comments.
Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.
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