People Are Sharing Things That Everyone Looks Stupid Doing, And Wow, I Never Thought About It
Earlier today, Reddit user witch_hunter92 asked a really interesting question (and one I never thought of before!) to the Ask Reddit community: "What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?"
Hundreds of people replied with things that — if you think about — we all truly look dumb doing. Here are some of the top-voted and best comments:
1."Throwing with your non-dominant hand."
2."Walking back after bowling."
3."I’ve never seen anyone keep their dignity while putting on a wetsuit."
4."Chasing a ping pong ball across the floor."
5."Playing in VR is a blast, but you can't help looking like an idiot."
6."Trying to catch something that's rolling away from you."
7."Eating a big sandwich or burger."
8."Getting surprised by flying insects in your face."
9."Walking through a spiderweb."
10."TikTok dances."
11."Replying 'first' on any YouTube video. Even if you were, you still look like a turd."
12."Taking mirror selfies with an iPad."
13."Running with a big backpack."
14."When the server says, 'Enjoy your meal,' and you reply back, 'You too.'"
15.And lastly: "Influencers in the wild, LOL."
You can read the full thread of responses on Reddit.
Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.