"That Stuff Is So Overpriced": People Are Sharing Things They'd Never Spend Money On, Even If They Were Rich, And Points Are Being Made
4 min read
Because I'm incredibly nosy, I love finding out how people spend their money. But sometimes, the things people won't spend money on can be even more revealing. Recently, u/besaanz asked the people of Reddit to share what they would refuse to buy even if they had a million dollars, so naturally, I had to read all about it. Here are some of the top comments:
1."I'm still sneaking my own snacks into the movie theater. That stuff is so overpriced!"
Netflix / Via giphy.com
2."A heated seat subscription."
"I don't care if I'm Jeff Bezos rich — that's just ridiculous. I'd rather sell the car and get a whole different one that doesn't have that business model."
3."Exotic animals. I worked with rehabilitated poached animals, and I can tell you that anyone who owns tigers, primates, or what have you, got them from a place that euthanizes 'extra' animals (including those cute cubs that you can pet), or they're pretty directly involved in poaching from the wild. The animals are never treated right."
4."A house in an HOA neighborhood!"
Jaskaran Kooner / Getty Images/iStockphoto
5."Designer baby clothes. I was buying my daughter shoes today, and there were tables for Gucci, Burberry, etc. shoes for kids. It's pretty gross. $450 for a pair of sneakers your kid is going to outgrow in four months just so people can see the Fendi pattern? Vomit."
6."A Rolex or any expensive watch really. Seems obscene to have someone’s annual salary on your wrist to tell time when most everyone has a clock on their phone."
7."The extended warranty that I keep getting calls about."
Universal Pictures / Via giphy.com
8."The polishing cloth that Apple started selling for $20."
9."Basic clothes from high-end retailers that are identical to clothes sold at lower-end ones. Often times they get stock from the same wholesalers. Maybe if there was a large leap in quality."
10."I refuse to buy a yacht."
Valentinrussanov / Getty Images
11."A ridiculously large house. Why do you need 20 bedrooms and 17 bathrooms? It must cost so much money to run a house like that too! I’d rather have a smaller place that actually feels like a home."
12."Ivory, fur, or anything that involved animal cruelty in its creation process."
13."New technology at release. Overpriced and under-tested tech that’ll eventually be improved upon and lower-priced soon? Yeah, no."
ABC / Via giphy.com
14."Ludicrously expensive booze. You get diminishing returns starting around the $50–$60 mark, and there's not really anything worth it past $100."
16."A private jet."
Dushlik / Getty Images/iStockphoto
17."A new high-end sports car like a Ferrari or Porsche. You could spend a million on one, but when you drive it out of the dealership, it'll instantly shrink significantly in value. I work for a company where the managing director did exactly that. Sold a business and treated himself to a top-end Ferrari. He was distraught when he sold it a year or two later and got something like a tenth of what he paid for it."
18."Multiple houses. I'm gonna find a nice one for me and my family with a great view, and that's it until we decide to move. I'm not buying 20 houses in seven countries simply because I have the money to do so."
19."Diamonds. I can’t get over how overpriced they are. With just as good and more beautiful cheaper alternatives like moissanite available, what’s the point? People just spend money on diamonds to spend money."
CBC / Via giphy.com
20."Any MLM product."
21.And finally, "Anything that would inform someone that I was, in fact, a millionaire."
Is there anything you'd add to the list? Share what you'd never buy no matter how much money you had in the comments!
Note: Responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.