I came across a Reddit thread where u/TheBlanketFortPirateasked, "What's something we all just pretend no one does, but in truth we know we all do it?" Let me just say — I felt relieved to learn that I'm not the only one who does some — okay, a lot — of these things. Read on to get what I'm saying.
1."Making up fake scenarios in our head."
2."Fart in public. I was at Home Depot a few months back, and I was walking down an aisle, and another dude was walking down that same aisle toward me. When he realized I would be walking where he just was, his exact words were, 'I about just shit my pants right over there, maybe give it a minute before you head that way.' I’ve never been so appreciative toward a complete stranger. That’s really looking out for your fellow man right there! We’ve all been out and unknowingly walked through someone else’s fart or had someone else walk through ours."
3."When you go into an aisle in the grocery store and you see someone in front of the object you’re looking for so you pretend you’re getting something else all while hovering near them waiting for them to leave that area so you can get said object."
4."Make snap judgements about people based on their appearance. We make these judgements before we have time to think about it. It’s almost instant. None of us likes to talk about this because some of these judgements are controversial."
5."Convincing yourself in your head that everyone around you is doing things perfectly and at full efficiency and expect the same of the people around them."
8."Making up conversations in my head before something important. Like, I will say this, and then the response from another person might be this. Sometimes, it can go for 10-15 minutes before I snap back to reality."
14."Complain about others speeding and saying they are going too fast for no reason but giving ourselves a pass because what we are late for is really important."
15."Panic clean before guests come over to then apologize for the mess."