Orrville Public Library kicks off summer reading
The Orrville Public Library has many events for all ages this summer including the beginning of its summer ready program.
Summer Reading Program
Your adventure begins this summer at Orrville Public Library! Reading can take you on exciting voyages to new worlds, teach you new skills, or introduce you to new friends. This year’s Orrville Public Library Summer Reading Program, with free fun for all ages, will run June 1 – Aug. 3. Our family-friendly kick-off event will be on Saturday, June 1 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. We will have games, activities, popcorn, cotton candy, and will host various community organizations.
We will once again be using the online platform, Beanstack, for readers to track their reading. If you’re new to the program, it is easy to create your free account through our website, www.orrville.lib.oh.us, or at orrville.beanstack.org. There is also a Beanstack Tracker app to download. If you prefer, paper log sheets are available in each department. Both new and returning users need to register for the 2024 Summer Reading Challenge.
Children will earn a small prize for every 100 minutes of reading or being read to. Upon completion of 800 minutes of reading you will have your choice of a free book. In lieu of the smaller prizes, you can choose to use your entry toward the Grand Prize. We will also have a variety of fun activities throughout the summer.
Teens who read for just 60 minutes will earn an entry ticket for a Grand Prize. Additional entries can be earned by donating to our summer service project, writing a book review, reserving a Book Box, or attending a Teen program. Fun prizes can be won for every 500 minutes of reading. At 1,000 minutes, teen readers will win a paracord bracelet and headlamp.
Ages 18 and over have the option to read or listen to books to earn entry tickets for a chance to win various prize baskets. One book read equals one entry ticket. You will receive a small prize after reading your first three books. Adults can earn extra entry tickets by writing a book review, donating to our summer service project, or listening to our podcast, “Beyond the Shelf.” As a special prize, adults who read and log a book between June 1 and June 15 will be entered to win four regular season Akron RubberDucks tickets
For our summer service project, we will be supporting Salvation Army’s Back-To-School Supply Drive. Participants of all ages who bring in three (3) three-prong two-pocket folders (solid primary colors are preferred, no designs) will receive a credit on their reading log.
Watch our website, www.orrville.lib.oh.us, for additional information.
Summer Reading Program kickoff
Let the adventures begin! We will kick off Orrville Public Library’s Summer Reading Program, “Adventure Begins at Your Library,” with games, activities, popcorn, and cotton candy on Saturday, June 1 from 10 a.m. – noon. This is a free, family-friendly event with fun for all ages. Be sure to sign up for summer reading and pick out your first books, too!
For more information, contact the library at 330-683-1065.
Cookbook Club
If you are interested in adding Mediterranean dishes to your diet, you will want to pick up a copy of “The Mediterranean Dish: 120 Bold and Healthy Recipes You’ll Make on Repeat” by Suzy Karadsheh. Her recipes use easy-to-find ingredients and have easy-to-follow instructions. The recipes will have you eating healthier food that bursts with flavor and spice.
Pick up a copy of the cookbook at Orrville Public Library’s Circulation Desk and plan to come to Orrville Public Library’s 6 p.m. Cookbook Club meeting on Monday, June 3. Prepare a dish or two to share with others. No registration is necessary.
For more information, contact the Information Desk at 330-683-1065.
Children’s Crafternoon
Registration begins Tuesday, May 28 for Orrville Public Library’s next Crafternoon, which will be held on Friday, June 7. This month, kids in grades 3-6 will make a blown paint mixed media campfire. We will meet at 4 p.m.
Crafternoons are held on the first Friday of each month for kids to explore various creative techniques and media. Projects change each month.
Register by clicking on the event on our website calendar, www.orrville.lib.oh.us, or by contacting the Children’s Department at 330-683-1065.
Aviation Adventure
Have you ever wanted to see a hot air balloon up close? You’re invited to join the Orrville Public Library staff at Wayne College, 1901 Smucker Road, on Thursday, June 13 to see an amazing demonstration of how a hot air balloon works. Pilot Shannon Rote and her crew will inflate the balloon and allow photos. This is only a demonstration, no rides will be given.
This free event will be held in the field near parking lot ‘E’ and will begin at 6 p.m. If you’d like, come early and bring a picnic dinner to enjoy.
No registration is needed. Rain date is Thursday, June 20.
For more information, contact the library at 330-683-1065.
“Flat Clementine” Adventures
Clementine, Orrville Public Library’s fish, wants to join you on your summer adventures. Stop by the Children’s Department to get a Clementine template to color and take with you wherever you go. Use #FlatClementine to share pictures and stories with us about your “Flat Clementine” adventures.
For more information, contact the library at 330-683-1065.
Win RubberDucks tickets!
Adults who sign up for Orrville Public Library’s Summer Reading Program and log a book by June 15 will earn an entry in the prize drawing for four (4) regular season tickets to the Akron RubberDucks.
For more information, contact the library at 330-683-1065.
Story Times
Registration begins Tuesday, May 28 for Orrville Public Library’s Summer Story Time sessions. Our Story Times offer young children and their caregivers an opportunity to enjoy stories, songs, rhymes, music, and age-appropriate crafts in interactive and inviting sessions with their peers. New this session is a drop-in Story Time for all ages for which no registration is required.
Story Times begin the week of June 10 and end the week of July 22. There will be no Story Times the week of July 1. Register on our website calendar, www.orrville.lib.oh.us, or by contacting the Children’s Department at 330-683-1065. Class sizes are limited.
The following sessions will be offered (choose one):
Lapsit (babies not yet walking) & Babies (babies who are walking, up to 24 months): Monday 6 – 6:30 p.m.
Two-year-olds (with caregiver): Monday 10 – 10:30 a.m. or Tuesday 10 – 10:30 a.m.
Three-year-olds: Monday 10:45 – 11:15 a.m.
Three & four-year olds: Tuesday 10:45 – 11:15 a.m.
Pre-K (four & five-year olds who have not attended kindergarten) Monday 2 – 2:45 p.m. or Tuesday 6 – 6:45 p.m.
Story Time Plus (grades k-2) Tuesday 2 - 3 p.m.
Family (All Story Time ages with caregiver) Monday 7 – 7:30 p.m. or Tuesday 7 – 7:30 p.m.
Drop-In (All Story Time ages with caregiver) No registration needed! Thursday 3 – 3:45 p.m.
The same material is repeated in each session, so children should be registered for only one time slot. For more information, please call the library at 330-683-1065.
Adult Take & Make
Adults are invited to make a unique pair of coasters with an adventure theme. Stop by Orrville Public Library’s Information Desk, beginning June 1, to pick up a kit that includes the main supplies you will need to get started. Kits will be available while supplies last.
For more information, contact the library at 330-683-1065.
Taste Test Challenge
Teens in grades 6-12 are invited to challenge their taste buds in Orrville Public Library’s blindfolded Taste Test Challenge. Teens will try different foods and then try to guess what it is. Please be aware that food items may contain allergens. By allowing your child to attend this program, parents/guardians waive Orrville Public Library’s responsibility for any allergic reactions.
This free event will be on Thursday, June 13 at 5 p.m. Registration is required and begins on Tuesday, May 28. Register by clicking on the event on our website calendar, www.orrville.lib.oh.us, or by contacting the Information Desk at 330-683-1065.
This article originally appeared on The Daily Record: June packed with events for Orrville Public Library
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